Sandeep Kumar Kalva
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Cited by
Deep Neural Network Based Sinogram Super-resolution and Bandwidth Enhancement for Limited-data Photoacoustic Tomography
N Awathi, G Jain, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2020
Carbazole‐linked near‐infrared aza‐bodipy dyes as triplet sensitizers and photoacoustic contrast agents for deep‐tissue imaging
Y Gawale, N Adarsh, SK Kalva, J Joseph, M Pramanik, D Ramaiah, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 23 (27), 6570-6578, 2017
Real-time 3D optoacoustic tracking of cell-sized magnetic microrobots circulating in the mouse brain vasculature
P Wrede, O Degtyaruk, SK Kalva, XL Deán-Ben, U Bozuyuk, A Aghakhani, ...
Science Advances 8 (19), eabm9132, 2022
Deep neural network-based bandwidth enhancement of photoacoustic data
S Gutta, VS Kadimesetty, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, S Ganapathy, ...
Journal of Biomedical Optics 22 (11), 116001(1-7), 2017
Experimental validation of tangential resolution improvement in photoacoustic tomography using modified delay-and-sum reconstruction algorithm
SK Kalva, M Pramanik
Journal of Biomedical Optics 21 (8), 086011(1-8), 2016
High-speed, low-cost, pulsed-laser-diode-based second-generation desktop photoacoustic tomography system
SK Kalva, PK Upputuri, M Pramanik
Optics Letters 44 (1), 81-84, 2019
Fractional Regularization to Improve Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction
J Prakash, S Dween Rabius, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38 (8), 1935-1947, 2019
Image guided filtering for improving photoacoustic tomographic image reconstruction
N Awasthi, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2018
PA-Fuse: A Deep Supervised Approach for Fusion of Photoacoustic Images with Distinct Reconstruction Characteristics
N Awasthi, RP K, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, VB R, PK Yalavarthy
Biomedical Optics Express 10 (5), 2227-2243, 2019
Accelerated image reconstruction using extrapolated Tikhonov filtering for photoacoustic tomography
S Gutta, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
Medical Physics, 2018
Sinogram super-resolution and denoising convolutional neural network (SRCN) for limited data photoacoustic tomography
N Awasthi, R Pardasani, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.06434, 2020
Single-sweep volumetric optoacoustic tomography of whole mice
SK Kalva, XL Deán-Ben, D Razansky
Photonics Research 9 (6), 899-908, 2021
A high-performance compact photoacoustic tomography system for in vivo small-animal brain imaging
PK Upputuri, V Periyasamy, SK Kalva, M Pramanik
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017
Flash Scanning Volumetric Optoacoustic Tomography for High Resolution Whole‐Body Tracking of Nanoagent Kinetics and Biodistribution
A Ron, SK Kalva, V Periyasamy, XL Deán‐Ben, D Razansky
Laser & Photonics Reviews 15, 2000484, 2021
A comparative study of continuous versus stop-and-go scanning in circular scanning photoacoustic tomography
A Sharma, SK Kalva, M Pramanik
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2019
Modeling errors compensation with total least squares for limited data photoacoustic tomography
S Gutta, M Bhatt, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2019
Vector extrapolation methods for accelerating iterative reconstruction methods in limited-data photoacoustic tomography
N Awasthi, SK Kalva, M Pramanik, PK Yalavarthy
Journal of biomedical optics 23 (7), 071204-071204, 2018
Rapid Volumetric Optoacoustic Tracking of Nanoparticle Kinetics across Murine Organs
SK Kalva, A Sánchez‐Iglesias, XL Deán-Ben, LM Liz-Marzán, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (1), 172-178, 2022
Use of acoustic reflector to make a compact photoacoustic tomography system
SK Kalva, M Pramanik
Journal of Biomedical Optics 22 (2), 026009, 2017
Calibrating reconstruction radius in a multi single-element ultrasound transducer based photoacoustic computed tomography system
SK Kalva, ZZ Hui, M Pramanik
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2018
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Articles 1–20