Anand Sheombar
Anand Sheombar
Associate professor HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
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Surveillance Law in Africa: a review of six countries
T Roberts, AM Ali, M Farahat, R Oloyede, G Mutung’u
Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. https://opendocs. ids. ac. uk …, 2021
Assessing the role of social media and digital technology in violence reporting
T Roberts, G Marchais
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2017
Social Media in the Context of Development: A Case Study of Dutch NGOs
A Sheombar, C Urquhart, T Ndhlovu, P Ravesteijn
23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), 2015
Constructing an Applicability Framework for Organisational Social Media Use by Development NGOs
A Sheombar
ICIS 2017 – International Conference on Information Systems, 2017
The partnership health of ICT projects in developing countries
AJ Silvius, A Sheombar, J Smit
PACIS 2009 Proceedings, 17, 2009
Follow the surveillance: A breadcrumb trail of surveillance technology exports to Africa
A Sheombar, SK Skelton
IFIP Joint Working Conference on the Future of Digital Work: The Challenge …, 2023
Digital Transformation of Development NGOs: The Case of Transitioning Northern-Based Development NGOs
A Sheombar, P Ravesteijn
International Conference on Information Technology & Systems, 600-613, 2022
Reflections On Social Media Use Along The Academic Research Life Cycle
A Sheombar
IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2019, 2019
Social Media and Development: Understanding NGO practices and perceptions
A Sheombar, C Urquhart, O Kayas, T Ndhlovu
Cooperation issues in developing the BOP market
J Smit, A Sheombar, AJ Silvius
Understanding Healthcare Professionals' Motivations and Drivers for eHealth Adoption
WA Van Haeften, A Sheombar, P Ravesteijn
European Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance, 494-XIV, 2021
Social Media for Development: An exploratory study of social media use in development activities by Dutch development NGOs
A Sheombar
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, 2019
Introducing Competencies in Organizations
H Plessius, A Sheombar, P Ravesteyn
Communications of the IIMA 15 (4), 1, 2017
Impressions of social media use by Dutch aid & development organisations
A Sheombar
European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014, 2014
Social media use by Dutch development organisations: perceptions, applications and barriers
A Sheombar
CDI Seminar, 2013
Discovery of key factors that may influence the success of multinational ICT companies in Base of the Pyramid markets
A Sheombar
The balancing act of optimised value creation
A Sheombar, G Silvius, K Smit
Available at SSRN 1500445, 2009
Towards a Framework of Cooperation Issues in Base of the Pyramid Projects
J Smit, A Sheombar, G Silvius
Assessing the Contribution of ICT to Development Goals, 469, 2009
What Can We Learn from a Co-Creation Journey for a Quick Scan Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment Tool for Development NGOs?
A Sheombar
Journal of International Technology and Information Management 33 (1), 47-84, 2024
A Research Design For Creating A Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment Tool For Development NGOs
A Sheombar
IADIS International Conference Information Systems, 269-274, 2023
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