Dave Singelee
Cited by
Cited by
CANAuth-a simple, backward compatible broadcast authentication protocol for CAN bus
A Van Herrewege, D Singelee, I Verbauwhede
ECRYPT workshop on Lightweight Cryptography 2011, 20, 2011
Location verification using secure distance bounding protocols
D Singelee, B Preneel
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference …, 2005
Distance bounding in noisy environments
D Singelée, B Preneel
Security and Privacy in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: 4th European Workshop …, 2007
Physical-layer fingerprinting of LoRa devices using supervised and zero-shot learning
P Robyns, E Marin, W Lamotte, P Quax, D Singelée, B Preneel
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless …, 2017
Low-cost untraceable authentication protocols for RFID
YK Lee, L Batina, D Singelée, I Verbauwhede
Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Wireless network security, 55-64, 2010
On the (in) security of the latest generation implantable cardiac defibrillators and how to secure them
E Marin, D Singelée, FD Garcia, T Chothia, R Willems, B Preneel
Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference on computer security applications …, 2016
Security of distance-bounding: A survey
G Avoine, MA Bingöl, I Boureanu, S Čapkun, G Hancke, S Kardaş, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 1-33, 2018
A survey of security and privacy issues in v2x communication systems
T Yoshizawa, D Singelée, JT Muehlberg, S Delbruel, A Taherkordi, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (9), 1-36, 2023
A secure cross-layer protocol for multi-hop wireless body area networks
D Singelée, B Latré, B Braem, M Peeters, M De Soete, P De Cleyn, ...
Ad-hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks: 7th International Conference, ADHOC …, 2008
On the feasibility of cryptography for a wireless insulin pump system
E Marin, D Singelée, B Yang, I Verbauwhede, B Preneel
Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and …, 2016
Design and implementation of a terrorist fraud resilient distance bounding system
A Ranganathan, NO Tippenhauer, B Škorić, D Singelée, S Čapkun
Computer Security–ESORICS 2012: 17th European Symposium on Research in …, 2012
A survey on blockchain-based IoMT systems: Towards scalability
AA Jolfaei, SF Aghili, D Singelee
Ieee Access 9, 148948-148975, 2021
Extending ECC-based RFID authentication protocols to privacy-preserving multi-party grouping proofs
L Batina, YK Lee, S Seys, D Singelée, I Verbauwhede
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16, 323-335, 2012
Threat modelling for security tokens in web applications
D De Cock, K Wouters, D Schellekens, D Singelee, B Preneel
Communications and Multimedia Security: 8 th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on …, 2005
MLS-ABAC: Efficient multi-level security attribute-based access control scheme
SF Aghili, M Sedaghat, D Singelée, M Gupta
Future Generation Computer Systems 131, 75-90, 2022
IoT: Source of test challenges
EJ Marinissen, Y Zorian, M Konijnenburg, CT Huang, PH Hsieh, ...
2016 21th IEEE European test symposium (ETS), 1-10, 2016
Securing wireless neurostimulators
E Marin, D Singelée, B Yang, V Volski, GAE Vandenbosch, B Nuttin, ...
Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on data and application security …, 2018
Hierarchical ECC-based RFID authentication protocol
L Batina, S Seys, D Singelée, I Verbauwhede
RFID. Security and Privacy: 7th International Workshop, RFIDSec 2011 …, 2012
Location privacy in wireless personal area networks
D Singelée, B Preneel
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Wireless Security, 11-18, 2006
Privacy-preserving ECC-based grouping proofs for RFID
L Batina, YK Lee, S Seys, D Singelée, I Verbauwhede
Information Security: 13th International Conference, ISC 2010, Boca Raton …, 2011
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Articles 1–20