Martin E. McBriarty, Ph.D.
Martin E. McBriarty, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist, EMD Electronics
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Cited by
Reactivity of ultra-thin ZnO films supported by Ag (111) and Cu (111): a comparison to ZnO/Pt (111)
Q Pan, BH Liu, ME McBriarty, Y Martynova, IMN Groot, S Wang, ...
Catalysis letters 144, 648-655, 2014
Dynamic stabilization of metal oxide–water interfaces
ME McBriarty, GF von Rudorff, JE Stubbs, PJ Eng, J Blumberger, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (7), 2581-2584, 2017
Structural consequences of hydrogen intercalation of epitaxial graphene on SiC (0001)
JD Emery, VD Wheeler, JE Johns, ME McBriarty, B Detlefs, MC Hersam, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (16), 2014
CO oxidation over ZnO films on Pt (1 1 1) at near-atmospheric pressures
Y Martynova, BH Liu, ME McBriarty, IMN Groot, MJ Bedzyk, ...
Journal of catalysis 301, 227-232, 2013
Iron vacancies accommodate uranyl incorporation into hematite
ME McBriarty, S Kerisit, EJ Bylaska, S Shaw, K Morris, ES Ilton
Environmental science & technology 52 (11), 6282-6290, 2018
Ab initio molecular dynamics of uranium incorporated in goethite (α-FeOOH): Interpretation of X-ray absorption spectroscopy of trace polyvalent metals
S Kerisit, EJ Bylaska, MS Massey, ME McBriarty, ES Ilton
Inorganic chemistry 55 (22), 11736-11746, 2016
Self-organizing layers from complex molecular anions
J Warneke, ME McBriarty, SL Riechers, S China, MH Engelhard, E Aprà, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1889, 2018
Structural transformations of zinc oxide layers on Pt (111)
BH Liu, ME McBriarty, MJ Bedzyk, S Shaikhutdinov, HJ Freund
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (49), 28725-28729, 2014
Trace uranium partitioning in a multiphase nano-FeOOH system
ME McBriarty, JA Soltis, S Kerisit, O Qafoku, ME Bowden, EJ Bylaska, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (9), 4970-4977, 2017
Epitaxial Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 with Metallic Pyrochlore Oxide Electrodes
Z Zhang, SL Hsu, VA Stoica, H Paik, E Parsonnet, A Qualls, J Wang, L Xie, ...
Advanced materials 33 (10), 2006089, 2021
Built‐In Potential in Fe2O3‐Cr2O3 Superlattices for Improved Photoexcited Carrier Separation
TC Kaspar, DK Schreiber, SR Spurgeon, ME McBriarty, GM Carroll, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (8), 1616-1622, 2016
Electronic and Optical Properties of a Semiconducting Spinel (Fe2CrO4)
SA Chambers, TC Droubay, TC Kaspar, IH Nayyar, ME McBriarty, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (9), 1605040, 2017
Crystal Phase Distribution and Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin HfO2–ZrO2 Bilayers
ME McBriarty, VK Narasimhan, SL Weeks, A Pal, H Fang, TA Petach, ...
physica status solidi (b), 2019
In Situ Characterization of Ferroelectric HfO2 During Rapid Thermal Annealing
VK Narasimhan, ME McBriarty, D Passarello, V Adinolfi, MF Toney, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 15 (5), 2000598, 2021
Potential‐Specific Structure at the Hematite–Electrolyte Interface
ME McBriarty, JE Stubbs, PJ Eng, KM Rosso
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (8), 1705618, 2018
Can mineral growth by oriented attachment lead to incorporation of uranium (vi) into the structure of goethite?
JA Soltis, ME McBriarty, O Qafoku, SN Kerisit, E Nakouzi, JJ De Yoreo, ...
Environmental Science: Nano 6 (10), 3000-3009, 2019
ALD GeAsSeTe ovonic threshold switch for 3D stackable crosspoint memory
M Laudato, V Adinolfi, R Clarke, M McBriarty, S Jewhurst, K Littau
2020 IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW), 1-4, 2020
An all-perovskite pn junction based on transparent conducting p-La1− xSrxCrO3 epitaxial layers
Y Du, C Li, KHL Zhang, ME McBriarty, SR Spurgeon, HS Mehta, D Wu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (6), 2017
Redox-driven atomic-scale changes in mixed catalysts: VOx/WOx/α-TiO2 (110)
Z Feng, ME McBriarty, AU Mane, J Lu, PC Stair, JW Elam, MJ Bedzyk
RSC Advances 4 (110), 64608-64616, 2014
Reductive Dissolution Mechanisms at the Hematite-Electrolyte Interface Probed by in Situ X-ray Scattering
ME McBriarty, JE Stubbs, PJ Eng, KM Rosso
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (13), 8077-8085, 2018
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Articles 1–20