Duane Wegener
Duane Wegener
ASC Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Ohio State University
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Evaluating the use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research.
LR Fabrigar, DT Wegener, RC MacCallum, EJ Strahan
Psychological methods 4 (3), 272, 1999
Attitude change: Multiple roles for persuasion variables
RE Petty, DT Wegener
The handbook of social psychology, 323-390, 1998
Exploratory factor analysis
LR Fabrigar, DT Wegener
Oxford University Press, 2012
Attitudes and attitude change
RE Petty, DT Wegener, LR Fabrigar
Annual review of psychology 48 (1), 609-647, 1997
The problem of equivalent models in applications of covariance structure analysis.
RC MacCallum, DT Wegener, BN Uchino, LR Fabrigar
Psychological bulletin 114 (1), 185-199, 1993
Mood-management across affective states: the hedonic contingency hypothesis.
DT Wegener, RE Petty
Journal of personality and social psychology 66 (6), 1034-1048, 1994
Positive mood can increase or decrease message scrutiny: the hedonic contingency view of mood and message processing.
DT Wegener, RE Petty, SM Smith
Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (1), 5, 1995
The flexible correction model: The role of naive theories of bias in bias correction
DT Wegener, RE Petty
Advances in experimental social psychology 29, 141-208, 1997
Beyond valence in the perception of likelihood: the role of emotion specificity.
D DeSteno, RE Petty, DT Wegener, DD Rucker
Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (3), 397, 2000
Message order effects in persuasion: An attitude strength perspective
CP Haugtvedt, DT Wegener
Journal of consumer research 21 (1), 205-218, 1994
Flexible correction processes in social judgment: the role of naive theories in corrections for perceived bias.
DT Wegener, RE Petty
Journal of personality and social psychology 68 (1), 36, 1995
Discrete emotions and persuasion: the role of emotion-induced expectancies.
D DeSteno, RE Petty, DD Rucker, DT Wegener, J Braverman
Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (1), 43, 2004
The structure of attitudes
LR Fabrigar, TK MacDonald, DT Wegener
The handbook of attitudes 80, 2005
Matching versus mismatching attitude functions: Implications for scrutiny of persuasive messages
RE Petty, DT Wegener
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24 (3), 227-240, 1998
The role of metacognition in social judgment
RE Petty, P Briņol, ZL Tormala, DT Wegener
Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles 2, 254-284, 2007
Flexible correction processes in social judgment: Correcting for context-induced contrast
RE Petty, DT Wegener
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 29 (2), 137-165, 1993
Analysis and desgin for nonexperimental data: Addressing causal and noncausal hypothesis.
DT Wegener, LR Fabrigar
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Effects of mood on high elaboration attitude change: The mediating role of likelihood judgments
DT Wegener, RE Petty, DJ Klein
European journal of social psychology 24 (1), 25-43, 1994
Cognitive processes in attitude change
RE Petty, JR Priester, DT Wegener
Handbook of social cognition, 69-142, 2014
Attitudinal ambivalence and message-based persuasion: Motivated processing of proattitudinal information and avoidance of counterattitudinal information
JK Clark, DT Wegener, LR Fabrigar
Personality and social psychology bulletin 34 (4), 565-577, 2008
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Articles 1–20