Jaime Ibáñez Pereda (ORCID:0000-0001-8439-151X)
Jaime Ibáñez Pereda (ORCID:0000-0001-8439-151X)
Universidad de Zaragoza (ROR 012a91z28)
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Cited by
Disentangling EEG responses to TMS due to cortical and peripheral activations
L Rocchi, A Di Santo, K Brown, J Ibánez, E Casula, V Rawji, V Di Lazzaro, ...
Brain stimulation 14 (1), 4-18, 2021
Detection of the onset of upper-limb movements based on the combined analysis of changes in the sensorimotor rhythms and slow cortical potentials
J Ibáñez, JI Serrano, MD Del Castillo, E Monge-Pereira, F Molina-Rueda, ...
Journal of neural engineering 11 (5), 056009, 2014
Use of electroencephalography brain-computer interface systems as a rehabilitative approach for upper limb function after a stroke: a systematic review
E Monge-Pereira, J Ibañez-Pereda, IM Alguacil-Diego, JI Serrano, ...
PM&R 9 (9), 918-932, 2017
Variability and predictors of response to continuous theta burst stimulation: a TMS-EEG study
L Rocchi, J Ibáñez, A Benussi, R Hannah, V Rawji, E Casula, J Rothwell
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 400, 2018
Analysis of motor unit spike trains estimated from high-density surface electromyography is highly reliable across operators
F Hug, S Avrillon, A Del Vecchio, A Casolo, J Ibanez, S Nuccio, J Rossato, ...
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 58, 102548, 2021
The phase difference between neural drives to antagonist muscles in essential tremor is associated with the relative strength of supraspinal and afferent input
JA Gallego, JL Dideriksen, A Holobar, J Ibáñez, V Glaser, JP Romero, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (23), 8925-8937, 2015
Principles of human movement augmentation and the challenges in making it a reality
J Eden, M Bräcklein, J Ibáñez, DY Barsakcioglu, G Di Pino, D Farina, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1345, 2022
Influence of common synaptic input to motor neurons on the neural drive to muscle in essential tremor
JA Gallego, JL Dideriksen, A Holobar, J Ibáñez, JL Pons, ED Louis, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 113 (1), 182-191, 2015
Electroencefalografía como método de evaluación tras un ictus. Una revisión actualizada
E Monge-Pereira, F Molina-Rueda, FM Rivas-Montero, J Ibáñez, ...
Neurología 32 (1), 40-49, 2017
Common synaptic input, synergies and size principle: Control of spinal motor neurons for movement generation
F Hug, S Avrillon, J Ibáñez, D Farina
The Journal of Physiology 601 (1), 11-20, 2023
A soft wearable robot for tremor assessment and suppression
JA Gallego, E Rocon, J Ibañez, JL Dideriksen, AD Koutsou, R Paradiso, ...
2011 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 2249-2254, 2011
A multimodal human–robot interface to drive a neuroprosthesis for tremor management
JÁ Gallego, J Ibanez, JL Dideriksen, JI Serrano, MD del Castillo, D Farina, ...
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2012
Multimodal BCI-mediated FES suppression of pathological tremor
E Rocon, JA Gallego, L Barrios, AR Victoria, J Ibánez, D Farina, F Negro, ...
2010 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2010
Online detector of movement intention based on EEG—Application in tremor patients
J Ibánez, JI Serrano, MD del Castillo, JA Gallego, E Rocon
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8 (6), 822-829, 2013
Transcranial evoked potentials can be reliably recorded with active electrodes
M Mancuso, V Sveva, A Cruciani, K Brown, J Ibáñez, V Rawji, E Casula, ...
Brain sciences 11 (2), 145, 2021
Premovement Suppression of Corticospinal Excitability may be a Necessary Part of Movement Preparation
J Ibáñez, R Hannah, L Rocchi, JC Rothwell
Cerebral Cortex, 2019
Feedback error learning controller for functional electrical stimulation assistance in a hybrid robotic system for reaching rehabilitation
F Resquín, J Gonzalez-Vargas, J Ibáñez, F Brunetti, JL Pons
European journal of translational myology 26 (3), 2016
Low latency estimation of motor intentions to assist reaching movements along multiple sessions in chronic stroke patients: a feasibility study
J Ibáñez, E Monge-Pereira, F Molina-Rueda, JI Serrano, MD Del Castillo, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 126, 2017
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), October 18-21, 2016 …
J Ibáñez, J González-Vargas, JM Azorín, M Akay, JL Pons
Springer, 2016
Cerebellar Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: The Role of Coil Type from Distinct Manufacturers
D Spampinato, J Ibáñez, M Spanoudakis, P Hammond, JC Rothwell
Brain Stimulation, 2019
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Articles 1–20