Katy Parry
Cited by
Cited by
A visual framing analysis of British press photography during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
K Parry
Media, war & conflict 3 (1), 67-85, 2010
Pockets of Resistance: British News Media, War and Theory in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
P Robinson, P Goddard, K Parry, C Murray
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 0
Visual communication: Understanding images in media culture
G Aiello, K Parry
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2019
Images of liberation? Visual framing, humanitarianism and British press photography during the 2003 Iraq invasion
K Parry
Media, Culture & Society 33 (8), 1185-1201, 2011
Reporting dissent in wartime: British press, the anti-war movement and the 2003 Iraq War
C Murray, K Parry, P Robinson, P Goddard
European Journal of Communication 23 (1), 7-27, 2008
Testing models of media performance in wartime: UK TV news and the 2003 invasion of Iraq
P Robinson, P Goddard, K Parry, C Murray
Journal of Communication 59 (3), 534-563, 2009
Patriotism meets plurality: reporting the 2003 Iraq War in the British press
P Goddard, P Robinson, K Parry
Media, War & Conflict 1 (1), 9-30, 2008
Political culture and media genre: Beyond the news
K Richardson, K Parry, J Corner
Springer, 2012
The mediated city: The news in a post-industrial context
S Coleman, N Thumim, C Birchall, J Firmstone, G Moss, K Parry, ...
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016
Twitpic-ing the riots: Analysing images shared on Twitter during the 2011 UK riots
F Vis, S Faulkner, K Parry, Y Manyukhina, L Evans
New York: Peter Lang 89, 385-398, 2013
War and media
P Robinson, R Brown, P Goddard, K Parry
Media, Culture & Society 27 (6), 951-959, 2005
Quantitative content analysis of the visual
K Parry
The SAGE handbook of visual research methods, 353-366, 2020
Visibility and visualities:‘ways of seeing’politics in the digital media environment
K Parry
Handbook of digital politics, 417-432, 2015
UK media and media management during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
P Robinson, P Goddard, K Parry
American behavioral scientist 52 (5), 678-688, 2009
Comedy, the civic subject, and generic mediation
J Corner, K Richardson, K Parry
Television & New Media 14 (1), 31-45, 2013
Political imagery in the British general election of 2010: The curious case of ‘Nick Clegg’
K Parry, K Richardson
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 13 (4), 474-489, 2011
Media visualisation of conflict: Studying news imagery in 21st century wars
K Parry
Sociology Compass 4 (7), 417-429, 2010
Visualising the politics of appearance in times of democratisation: An analysis of the 2010 Belgrade Pride Parade television coverage
A Krstić, K Parry, G Aiello
European Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (2), 165-183, 2020
Constructing communities: the community centre as contested site
H Thornham, K Parry
Community development journal 50 (1), 24-39, 2015
The media and the military
J Corner, K Parry
Media, Culture & Society 39 (1), 3-10, 2017
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Articles 1–20