Martijn Van der Steen
Martijn Van der Steen
Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB)
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Fragmented or connective professionalism? Strategies for professionalizing the work of strategists and other (organizational) professionals
M Noordegraaf, M Van der Steen, M Van Twist
Public administration 92 (1), 21-38, 2014
Weaknesses of wickedness: A critical perspective on wickedness theory
M Noordegraaf, S Douglas, K Geuijen, M Van Der Steen
Policy and Society 38 (2), 278-297, 2019
Co-existing concepts of management control: The containment of tensions due to the implementation of lean production
S Tillema, M Van der Steen
Management Accounting Research 27, 67-83, 2015
EV policy compared: an international comparison of governments’ policy strategy towards E-mobility
M van der Steen, RM Van Schelven, R Kotter, MJW van Twist, ...
E-mobility in Europe: Trends and good practice, 27-53, 2015
Foresight and long-term policy-making: An analysis of anticipatory boundary work in policy organizations in The Netherlands
MA Van der Steen, MJW Van Twist
Futures 54, 33-42, 2013
The sedimentation of public values: How a variety of governance perspectives guide the practical actions of civil servants
M van der Steen, MJW van Twist, D Bressers
Review of Public Personnel Administration 38 (4), 387-414, 2018
Boundary-spanning strategies for aligning institutional logics: a typology
J Nederhand, M Van Der Steen, M Van Twist
Local Government Studies 45 (2), 219-240, 2019
The governance of self-organization: Which governance strategy do policy officials and citizens prefer?
J Nederhand, EH Klijn, M Van der Steen, M Van Twist
Policy Sciences 52, 233-253, 2019
Sedimentatie in sturing. Systeem brengen in netwerkend werken door meervoudig organiseren
M Van der Steen, J Scherpenisse, M van Twist
The Hague: NSOB, 2015
The three pillars of the co-operative
K van Oorschot, J de Hoog, M van der Steen, M van Twist
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 1 (2), 64-69, 2013
Beyond use: Evaluating foresight that fits
M Van Der Steen, M Van Twist
Futures 44 (5), 475-486, 2012
Designing a century ahead: Climate change adaptation in the Dutch Delta
P Bloemen, M Van Der Steen, Z Van Der Wal
Policy and Society 38 (1), 58-76, 2019
Public managers, media influence, and governance: Three research traditions empirically explored
EH Klijn, M van Twist, M van der Steen, S Jeffares
Administration & Society 48 (9), 1036-1058, 2016
Learning ahead of time: how evaluation of foresight may add to increased trust, organizational learning and future oriented policy and strategy
M Van der Steen, P Van der Duin
Futures 44 (5), 487-493, 2012
Leren door doen: Overheidsparticipatie in een energieke samenleving
M Van der Steen, J Scherpenisse, M Hajer, OJ Van Gerwen, ...
Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB) en Planbureau voor de …, 2014
Auditing interactive complexity: Challenges for the internal audit profession
A Nuijten, M Van Twist, M Van der Steen
International Journal of Auditing 19 (3), 195-205, 2015
Understanding the dynamics of open data: From sweeping statements to complex contextual interactions
A Meijer, J de Hoog, M van Twist, M van der Steen, J Scherpenisse
Open government: Opportunities and challenges for public governance, 101-114, 2014
Managing bottom up strategizing: collective sensemaking of strategic issues in a Dutch bank
M Van der Steen
Long Range Planning 50 (6), 766-781, 2017
Coping with very weak primary schools: Towards smart interventions in Dutch education policy
M Van Twist, M van der Steen, M Kleiboer, J Scherpenisse, H Theisens
OECD, 2013
Joined-Up government in the Netherlands: experiences with program ministries
PM Karré, M Van der Steen, M Van Twist
International Journal of Public Administration 36 (1), 63-73, 2013
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