Sarah Eskens
Cited by
Cited by
Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization
B Bodó, N Helberger, S Eskens, J Möller
Digital Journalism 7 (2), 206-229, 2018
User Perspectives on the News Personalisation Process: Agency, Trust and Utility as Building Blocks
C Monzer, J Moeller, N Helberger, S Eskens
Digital Journalism, 1-21, 2020
Challenged by news personalisation: five perspectives on the right to receive information
S Eskens, N Helberger, J Moeller
Journal of Media Law 9 (2), 259-284, 2017
Implications of AI-driven tools in the media for freedom of expression
N Helberger, SJ Eskens, MZ van Drunen, MB Bastian, JE Möller
Council of Europe, 2019
A right to reset your user profile and more: GDPR-rights for personalized news consumers
S Eskens
International Data Privacy Law 9 (3), 153-172, 2019
10 Standards for Oversight and Transparency of National Intelligence Services
S Eskens, O van Daalen, N van Eijk
Journal of National Security Law & Policy 8 (3), 553-594, 2015
Towards a normative perspective on journalistic AI: Embracing the messy reality of normative ideals
N Helberger, M van Drunen, J Moeller, S Vrijenhoek, S Eskens
Digital Journalism 10 (10), 1605-1626, 2022
The personal information sphere: An integral approach to privacy and related information and communication rights
S Eskens
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (9 …, 2020
A freedom of expression perspective on AI in the media–with a special focus on editorial decision making on social media platforms and in the news media
N Helberger, M Van Drunen, S Eskens, M Bastian, J Moeller
European Journal of Law and Technology 11 (3), 2020
Profiling the European citizen in the internet of things: How will the General Data Protection Regulation apply to this form of personal data processing, and how should it?
S Eskens
University of Amsterdam, 2016
Algoritmische verzuiling en filter bubbles: een bedreiging voor de democratie?
FJZ Borgesius, D Trilling, J Möller, S Eskens, B Bodó, CH de Vreese, ...
Computerrecht 2016 (5), 255-262, 2016
The ever-growing complexity of the data retention discussion in the EU: An in-depth review of La Quadrature du Net and others and Privacy International
S Eskens
European Data Protection Law Review 8 (1), 143-155, 2022
Beyond control: Exploratory study on the discourse in Silicon Valley about consumer privacy in the Internet of Things
S Eskens, J Timmer, L Kool, R Van Est
Rathenau Instituut, The Hague, 2016
The Ever-Growing Complexity of the Data Retention Discussion in the EU: An In-Depth Review of La Quadrature du Net and Others and Privacy International-Joined Cases C-511/18, C …
S Eskens
Eur. Data Prot. L. Rev. 8, 143, 2022
The fundamental rights of news users: The legal groundwork for a personalised online news environment
S Eskens
University of Amsterdam, 2021
Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy, with particular focus on the legal and societal conditions
N Helberger, S Eskens, J Strycharz, G Bouchč, J van Mil, J Toh, ...
Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, 2021
Geheime surveillance en opsporing: Richtsnoeren voor de inrichting van wetgeving
S Eskens, OL van Daalen, N Van Eijk
Instituut voor Informatierecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016
Position paper S. Eskens tbv rondetafelgesprek Illegale content en producten op Telegram dd 23 mei 2024
S Eskens
The European Commission’s DSA enforcement show
S Eskens
Special issue on the use of AI in journalism
N Helberger, M van Drunen, J Moeller, S Vrijenhoek, S Eskens
Digital Journalism 10 (10), 2022
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Articles 1–20