Francisco A. Pujol
Francisco A. Pujol
Associate Professor, Computer Technology Department, University of Alicante
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Cited by
Social commerce as a driver to enhance trust and intention to use cryptocurrencies for electronic payments
JC Mendoza-Tello, H Mora, FA Pujol-López, MD Lytras
Ieee Access 6, 50737-50751, 2018
Disruptive innovation of cryptocurrencies in consumer acceptance and trust
JC Mendoza-Tello, H Mora, FA Pujol-López, MD Lytras
Information Systems and e-Business Management 17, 195-222, 2019
A low-cost immersive virtual reality system for teaching robotic manipulators programming
V Román-Ibáñez, FA Pujol-López, H Mora-Mora, ML Pertegal-Felices, ...
Sustainability 10 (4), 1102, 2018
Face detection based on skin color segmentation using fuzzy entropy
FA Pujol, M Pujol, A Jimeno-Morenilla, MJ Pujol
Entropy 19 (1), 26, 2017
An education-based approach for enabling the sustainable development gear
H Mora, FA Pujol-López, JC Mendoza-Tello, MR Morales-Morales
Computers in Human Behavior 107, 105775, 2020
A soft computing approach to violence detection in social media for smart cities
FA Pujol, H Mora, ML Pertegal
Soft Computing 24 (15), 11007-11017, 2020
Social cryptocurrencies as model for enhancing sustainable development
H Mora, MR Morales-Morales, FA Pujol-López, R Mollá-Sirvent
Kybernetes 50 (10), 2883-2916, 2021
Computing the principal local binary patterns for face recognition using data mining tools
FA Pujol, JC García
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8), 7165-7172, 2012
Distributed monitoring of heterogeneous robotic cells. A proposal for the footwear industry 4.0
V Román-Ibáñez, A Jimeno-Morenilla, FA Pujol-López
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 31 (12), 1205-1219, 2018
Emotion recognition to improve e-healthcare systems in smart cities
FA Pujol, H Mora, A Martínez
Research & Innovation Forum 2019: Technology, Innovation, Education, and …, 2019
Application of texture descriptors to facial emotion recognition in infants
A Martinez, FA Pujol, H Mora
Applied Sciences 10 (3), 1115, 2020
Entropy-based face recognition and spoof detection for security applications
FA Pujol, MJ Pujol, C Rizo-Maestre, M Pujol
Sustainability 12 (1), 85, 2019
Virtual currencies in modern societies: challenges and opportunities
H Mora, FAP López, JCM Tello, MR Morales
Politics and Technology in the Post-Truth Era, 171-185, 2019
Collaborative robotics in wire harnesses spot taping process
VR Ibáñez, FA Pujol, SG Ortega, JMS Perpiñán
Computers in Industry 125, 103370, 2021
Energy-efficient swarm behavior for indoor uav ad-hoc network deployment
F Aznar, M Pujol, R Rizo, FA Pujol, C Rizo
Symmetry 10 (11), 632, 2018
Partial product reduction based on look-up tables
HM Mora, JM Pascual, JLS Romero, FP López
19th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 5th …, 2006
Use of mathematical morphology in real‐time path planning
FA Pujol, JM García Chamizo, A Fuster, M Pujol, R Rizo
Kybernetes 31 (1), 115-123, 2002
Disruptive technologies for enabling smart government
H Mora, FA Pujol-López, MR Morales, R Mollá-Sirvent
Research and Innovation Forum 2020: Disruptive Technologies in Times of …, 2021
Introducing sustainability in a robotic engineering degree: a case study
FA Pujol, D Tomás
Sustainability 12 (14), 5574, 2020
On searching for an optimal threshold for morphological image segmentation
FA Pujol, M Pujol, R Rizo, MJ Pujol
Pattern Analysis and Applications 14, 235-250, 2011
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Articles 1–20