Dr. ir. A. N. (Austine) Ajah
Dr. ir. A. N. (Austine) Ajah
FMC Corporation
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Uncertainties in the design and operation of distributed energy resources: the case of micro-CHP systems
M Houwing, AN Ajah, PW Heijnen, I Bouwmans, PM Herder
Energy 33 (10), 1518-1536, 2008
Integrated conceptual design of a robust and reliable waste-heat district heating system
AN Ajah, AC Patil, PM Herder, J Grievink
Applied thermal engineering 27 (7), 1158-1164, 2007
On the robustness, effectiveness and reliability of chemical and mechanical heat pumps for low-temperature heat source district heating: A comparative simulation-based analysis …
AN Ajah, A Mesbah, J Grievink, PM Herder, PW Falcao, S Wennekes
Energy 33 (6), 908-929, 2008
Recycling industrial waste heat for sustainable district heating: a multi-actor perspective
A Patil, A Ajah, P Herder
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 10 (3-4 …, 2009
Conceptual process design as a prerequisite for solving environmental problems; a case study of molybdenum removal and recovery from wastewater
PLJ Swinkels, RD Van Der Weijden, AN Ajah, Y Arifin, HL Loe, MH Manik, ...
Minerals engineering 17 (2), 205-215, 2004
Addressing flexibility during process and infrastructure systems conceptual design: real options perspective
AN Ajah, PM Herder
2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 4, 3711-3716, 2005
On the conceptual design of large-scale process & energy infrastructure systems integrating flexibility, reliability, availability, maintainability and economics (FRAME …
AN Ajah
Robust conceptual design of a residual industrial waste-heat district heating system
AN Ajah, A Patil, PM Herder
8th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy …, 2005
Sustainable District Heating System: A Multi-Actor Perspective
A Patil, A Ajah, P Herder
2006 IEEE EIC Climate Change Conference, 1-8, 2006
Hierarchical markov reliability/availability models for energy & industrial infrastructure systems conceptual design
AN Ajah, PM Herder, J Grievink, MPC Weijnen
Computer aided chemical engineering 21, 1753-1758, 2006
Framework for proper integration of flexibility in conceptual designs of energy and industrial infrastructures
AN Ajah, PM Herder, J Grievink, MPC Weijnen
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 20, 781-786, 2005
Integration of societal outage cost into infrastructure design and maintenance optimisation
PM Herder, AN Ajah, MPC Weijnen
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 4152-4157, 2009
Addressing uncertainties in the design and operation of residential distributed energy resources: Case study of a micro-CHP system
M Houwing, AN Ajah, PM Herder, I Bouwmans
Proceeding of the 10th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and …, 2007
Adaptive control approach in modeling life-cycle maintenance policy selection and optimisation during infrastructure systems conceptual design & operation
AN Ajah, J Grievink, P Herder, M Weijnen
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 24, 1145-1150, 2007
Wastewater Treatment and Bio-Electricity Generation via Microbial Fuel Cell Technology Operating with Starch Proton Exchange Membrane
LA Obasi, AN Ajah
Towards testing and validation of novel conceptual process design frameworks
AN Ajah, PLJ Swinkels, J Grievink
6th International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Design (FOCAPD …, 2004
Impact of industry strategies and consumer attitude on growth of the hydrogen vehicle fleet and corresponding refuelling infrastructure
P Lebutsch, M Weeda, AN Ajah, H Meerwaldt
Trends in Emission Standards for Public Transport Buses: How Low should they go
A Patil, AN Ajah, PM Herder
The 2007 IAEE Asian Conference: Asian Energy Security and Economic …, 2007
Comparative simulation-based analysis and evuation of chemical and mechanical heat pumps robustness for low temperature heat source upgrading
AN Ajah, J Grievink, PM Herder, A Mesbah, PW Falcao, S Wennekes
The 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 1-20, 2006
Mixing and Transporting H2 through the natural Gas Network
AN Ajah, M Weeda, HB Meerwaldt
ECN Hydrogen and Clean Fossil Fuels, 2010
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