Deniz Tat
Deniz Tat
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Cited by
Monolingual comparative normativity in bilingualism research is out of “control”: Arguments and alternatives
J Rothman, F Bayram, V DeLuca, G Di Pisa, JA Dunabeitia, K Gharibi, ...
Applied Psycholinguistics 44 (3), 316-329, 2023
Word syntax of nominal compounds: Internal and aphasiological evidence from Turkish
D Tat
The University of Arizona, 2013
Gender in unilingual and mixed speech of Spanish heritage speakers in the Netherlands
I Boers, B Sterken, B van Osch, MC Parafita Couto, J Grijzenhout, D Tat
Languages 5 (4), 68, 2020
Haplology within m-words and p-words: Revisiting the stuttering prohibition in Turkish
D Tat, J Kornfilt
IULC Working Papers 18 (2), 2018
APs as reduced relatives: The case of Bir in some varieties of Turkic
D Tat, A Simpson
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL7), 2011
The composition of a complex verb in Turkish
D Tat
Unpublished manuscript, University of Arizona, 2010
Cross-linguistic influence in bilingual grammars
B van Osch, I Boers, M Janet Grijzenhout, MC Parafita Couto, B Sterken, ...
The Acquisition of Gender, 209, 2022
Structural Variation in Turkish complex predicates
G Key, D Tat
Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics, 121-131, 2015
Carmen Parafita Couto, Janet Grijzenhout & Deniz Tat. 2020. Gender in Unilingual and Mixed Speech of Spanish Heritage Speakers in The Netherlands
I Boers, B Sterken, M Brechje van Osch
Languages 5 (4), 68, 0
Partial versus full agreement in Turkish possessive and clausal DP-coordination
D Tat, J Kornfilt
Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions 274, 271, 2022
Light verb constructions in heritage Turkish and the nature of borrowing through bilingual mixing
D Tat
1st Heritage Language Syntax Virtual Conference, Utrecht University, The …, 2020
Lexical Borrowing Targets Spans
D Tat
Languages 7 (4), 289, 2022
A Suggested syllabus for the translation course from English into Turkish at ELT departments at third year
D Tat
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2003
Askerin Etimoloji ile Imtihanı: Kart-Kurt Efsanesi ve Kürtçe
D Tat
100 Kesitle Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi'nin 100 Yılı, Alp Yenen & Eric Jan Zürcher …, 2024
“Vatandaş, Türkçe Konuş!” yahut “Türkleştirmek İçin Ne Yapmalı?”
D Tat
100 Kesitle Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi'nin 100 Yılı, Alp Yenen & Eric Jan Zürcher …, 2024
When Generals Do Etymology: On the Kart-Kurt Myth of Kurdish
D Tat
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, Alp …, 2023
“Citizen, Speak Turkish!”: A Jewish Appeal for Turkification
D Tat
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, Alp …, 2023
Agrammatic Aphasia as Weak Syntax: A Case Study
D Tat
Ps as reduced relati es: the case of bir in some arieties of Turkic
D Tat
from https://hdl. handle. net/1887/37059 Version: Not pplicable (or Unknown …, 2011
Agrammatic Aphasia as Underspecification of Phase Features: A Case Study
D Tat
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 23, 47-48, 2011
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Articles 1–20