Marta Cantijoch Cunill
Marta Cantijoch Cunill
Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Manchester
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Cited by
Conceptualizing and measuring participation in the age of the internet: Is online political engagement really different to offline?
R Gibson, M Cantijoch
The Journal of Politics 75 (3), 701-716, 2013
Political participation and the Internet: A field essay
E Anduiza, M Cantijoch, A Gallego
Information, Communication & Society 12 (6), 860-878, 2009
Reading the riots: What were the police doing on Twitter?
R Procter, J Crump, S Karstedt, A Voss, M Cantijoch
Policing Cybercrime, 5-28, 2017
Online political participation in Spain: the impact of traditional and Internet resources
E Anduiza, A Gallego, M Cantijoch
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 7 (4), 356-368, 2010
Digital media and political participation: The moderating role of political interest across acts and over time
B Bimber, MC Cunill, L Copeland, R Gibson
Social science computer review 33 (1), 21-42, 2015
Getting out the vote in the social media era: Are digital tools changing the extent, nature and impact of party contacting in elections?
JH Aldrich, RK Gibson, M Cantijoch, T Konitzer
Party Politics 22 (2), 165-178, 2016
Internet y participación política en España
EA Perea, M Cantijoch
CIS, 2010
Los usos políticos de Internet en España
E Anduiza, M Cantijoch, C Colombo, A Gallego, J Salcedo
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Reis) 129 (1), 133-146, 2010
Friend or foe? Digital technologies and the changing nature of party membership
R Gibson, F Greffet, M Cantijoch
Digital Politics: Mobilization, Engagement and Participation, 89-111, 2018
Moving slowly up the ladder of political engagement: A ‘spill-over’model of internet participation
M Cantijoch, D Cutts, R Gibson
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 18 (1), 26-48, 2016
The Routledge handbook of elections, voting behavior and public opinion
J Fisher, E Fieldhouse, MN Franklin, RK Gibson, M Cantijoch, C Wlezien
Routledge, 2018
Los ciudadanos y el uso de Internet en la campaña electoral
E Anduiza, M Cantijoch, C Cristancho
Las elecciones generales de, 123-142, 2008
Comparing online elections in Australia and the UK: Did 2010 finally produce'the'internet election?
R Gibson, M Cantijoch
Communication, politics & culture 44 (2), 4-17, 2011
Reinforcement and mobilization: the influence of the Internet on different types of political participation
M Cantijoch
Presentado en el seminario Citizen Politics: Are the New Media Reshaping …, 2009
La exposición a información política a través de internet
E Anduiza, C Cristancho, M Cantijoch
Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura 188 (756), 2012
‘It’s not about me, it’s about my community’: A mixed-method study of civic websites and community efficacy
M Cantijoch, S Galandini, R Gibson
New Media & Society 18 (9), 1896-1915, 2016
Citizen participation in the e-campaign
MC Cunill, R Gibson, S Ward, A Williamson
The internet and the 2010 election.: Putting the small’p’back in politics?, 5-18, 2010
Analysing social media data and web networks
M Cantijoch, R Gibson, S Ward
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
Political participation and the Internet
A Eva, M Cantijoch, A Gallego
Information, Communication & Society Journal 12 (6), 860-878, 2009
Exposure to political information in new and old media: Which impact on political participation
M Cantijoch, L Jorba, J San Martin
annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, 28-31, 2008
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Articles 1–20