Joost Maier
Joost Maier
Postdoctoral researcher at Brandeis University
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Multisensory integration of dynamic faces and voices in rhesus monkey auditory cortex
AA Ghazanfar, JX Maier, KL Hoffman, NK Logothetis
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (20), 5004-5012, 2005
Vocal-tract resonances as indexical cues in rhesus monkeys
AA Ghazanfar, HK Turesson, JX Maier, R van Dinther, RD Patterson, ...
Current biology 17 (5), 425-430, 2007
Multisensory integration of looming signals by rhesus monkeys
JX Maier, JG Neuhoff, NK Logothetis, AA Ghazanfar
Neuron 43 (2), 177-181, 2004
Integration of bimodal looming signals through neuronal coherence in the temporal lobe
JX Maier, C Chandrasekaran, AA Ghazanfar
Current Biology 18 (13), 963-968, 2008
Natural, metaphoric, and linguistic auditory direction signals have distinct influences on visual motion processing
S Sadaghiani, JX Maier, U Noppeney
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (20), 6490-6499, 2009
Looming biases in monkey auditory cortex
JX Maier, AA Ghazanfar
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (15), 4093-4100, 2007
Retronasal odor perception requires taste cortex, but orthonasal does not
ML Blankenship, M Grigorova, DB Katz, JX Maier
Current biology 29 (1), 62-69. e3, 2019
Chemosensory convergence on primary olfactory cortex
JX Maier, M Wachowiak, DB Katz
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (48), 17037-17047, 2012
A multisensory network for olfactory processing
JX Maier, ML Blankenship, JX Li, DB Katz
Current Biology 25 (20), 2642-2650, 2015
Audiovisual asynchrony detection in human speech.
JX Maier, M Di Luca, U Noppeney
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (1), 245, 2011
Neural dynamics in response to binary taste mixtures
JX Maier, DB Katz
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (8), 2108-2117, 2013
Single-neuron responses to intraoral delivery of odor solutions in primary olfactory and gustatory cortex
JX Maier
Journal of Neurophysiology 117 (3), 1293-1304, 2017
Multisensory guidance of orienting behavior
JX Maier, JM Groh
Hearing research 258 (1-2), 106-112, 2009
Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) hear rising frequency sounds as looming.
AA Ghazanfar, JX Maier
Behavioral neuroscience 123 (4), 822, 2009
Sensory cortical activity is related to the selection of a rhythmic motor action pattern
JX Li, JX Maier, EE Reid, DB Katz
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (20), 5596-5607, 2016
Dynamic taste responses of parabrachial pontine neurons in awake rats
MA Baez-Santiago, EE Reid, A Moran, JX Maier, Y Marrero-Garcia, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 115 (3), 1314-1323, 2016
Comparison of Gain-Like Properties of Eye Position Signals in Inferior Colliculus Versus Auditory Cortex of Primates
JX Maier, JM Groh
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 4, 121, 2010
Adaptive weighting of taste and odor cues during flavor choice
JX Maier, VE Elliott
Journal of Neurophysiology 124 (6), 1942-1947, 2020
Multisensory interactions underlying flavor consumption in rats: the role of experience and unisensory component liking
VE Elliott, JX Maier
Chemical senses 45 (1), 27-35, 2020
Network dynamics in the developing piriform cortex of unanesthetized rats
Z Zhang, DC Collins, JX Maier
Cerebral Cortex 31 (2), 1334-1346, 2021
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