Brijesh Dongol
Brijesh Dongol
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A blockchain-enabled e-learning platform
TY Lam, B Dongol
Interactive learning environments 30 (7), 1229-1251, 2022
Verifying linearisability: A comparative survey
B Dongol, J Derrick
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 48 (2), 1-43, 2015
A survey of practical formal methods for security
T Kulik, B Dongol, PG Larsen, HD Macedo, S Schneider, ...
Formal aspects of computing 34 (1), 1-39, 2022
Verifying C11 programs operationally
S Doherty, B Dongol, H Wehrheim, J Derrick
PPoPP '19 Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Principles and Practice of …, 2019
Comparing degrees of non-determinism in expression evaluation
IJ Hayes, A Burns, B Dongol, CB Jones
The Computer Journal 56 (6), 741-755, 2013
Owicki-Gries reasoning for C11 RAR
S Dalvandi, S Doherty, B Dongol, H Wehrheim
34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2020), 2020
A program construction and verification tool for separation logic
B Dongol, VBF Gomes, G Struth
Mathematics of Program Construction: 12th International Conference, MPC 2015 …, 2015
View-based Owicki–Gries reasoning for persistent x86-TSO
EV Bila, B Dongol, O Lahav, A Raad, J Wickerson
European Symposium on Programming, 234-261, 2022
Quiescent consistency: Defining and verifying relaxed linearizability
J Derrick, B Dongol, G Schellhorn, B Tofan, O Travkin, H Wehrheim
FM 2014: Formal Methods: 19th International Symposium, Singapore, May 12-16 …, 2014
Integrating Owicki–Gries for C11-style memory models into Isabelle/HOL
S Dalvandi, B Dongol, S Doherty, H Wehrheim
Journal of Automated Reasoning 66 (1), 141-171, 2022
Formalising progress properties of non-blocking programs
B Dongol
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 284-303, 2006
Reasoning about goal-directed real-time teleo-reactive programs
B Dongol, IJ Hayes, PJ Robinson
Formal Aspects of Computing 26, 563-589, 2014
Verifying linearizability on TSO architectures
J Derrick, G Smith, B Dongol
Integrated Formal Methods: 11th International Conference, IFM 2014 …, 2014
Making linearizability compositional for partially ordered executions
S Doherty, B Dongol, H Wehrheim, J Derrick
Integrated Formal Methods: 14th International Conference, IFM 2018, Maynooth …, 2018
On abstraction and compositionality for weak-memory linearisability
B Dongol, R Jagadeesan, J Riely, A Armstrong
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 19th …, 2018
Verifying correctness of persistent concurrent data structures
J Derrick, S Doherty, B Dongol, G Schellhorn, H Wehrheim
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 179-195, 2019
A general technique for proving lock-freedom
R Colvin, B Dongol
Science of Computer Programming 74 (3), 143-165, 2009
Convolution as a unifying concept: Applications in separation logic, interval calculi, and concurrency
B Dongol, IJ Hayes, G Struth
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 17 (3), 1-25, 2016
Proving opacity of a pessimistic STM
S Doherty, B Dongol, J Derrick, G Schellhorn, H Wehrheim
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 70 (35), 35.1-35.17, 2017
Progress in deriving concurrent programs: emphasizing the role of stable guards
B Dongol, AJ Mooij
International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction, 140-161, 2006
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Articles 1–20