Qing Wang (汪庆)
Qing Wang (汪庆)
Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology
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Cited by
A survey on device-to-device communication in cellular networks
A Asadi, Q Wang, V Mancuso
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2014
An IEEE 802.11 p-Based Multichannel MAC Scheme With Channel Coordination for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Q Wang, S Leng, H Fu, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1-10, 2012
Improving Reliability and Scalability of LoRaWANs Through Lightweight Scheduling
B Reynders, Q Wang, P Tuset-Peiro, X Vilajosana, S Pollin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-12, 2018
Intelligent UAV Swarm Cooperation for Multiple Targets Tracking
L Zhou, S Leng, Q Liu, Q Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021
OpenVLC: software-defined visible light embedded networks
Q Wang, D Giustiniano, D Puccinelli
ACM MobiCom Workshop on VLCS 2014, 15-20, 2014
Energy Self-Sustainability in Full-Spectrum 6G
J Hu, Q Wang, K Yang
IEEE Wireless Communications, 1-7, 2020
A LoRaWAN Module for ns-3: Implementation and Evaluation
B Reynders, Q Wang, S Pollin
Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2018), 1-8, 2018
An enhanced multi-channel MAC for the IEEE 1609.4 based vehicular ad hoc networks
Q Wang, S Leng, H Fu, Y Zhang, H Weerasinghe
IEEE INFOCOM Workshop 2010, 1-2, 2010
An Open-Source Research Platform for Embedded Visible Light Networking
Q Wang, D Giustiniano, D Puccinelli
IEEE Wireless Communications 22 (2), 94-100, 2015
Recouping opportunistic gain in dense base station layouts through energy-aware user cooperation
Q Wang, B Rengarajan
IEEE WoWMoM 2013, 1-9, 2013
Low-Cost, Flexible and Open Platform for Visible Light Communication Networks
Q Wang, D Giustiniano, O Gnawali
ACM MobiCom Workshop on HotWireless 2015, 1-5, 2015
Passive Communication with Ambient Light
Q Wang, M Zuniga, D Giustiniano
ACM CoNEXT (Best Paper Runner-up), 1-8, 2016
Integrated Sensing and Communication in UAV Swarms for Cooperative Multiple Targets Tracking
L Zhou, S Leng, Q Wang, Q Liu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 1-17, 2022
A QoS supported multi-channel MAC for vehicular Ad Hoc networks
Q Wang, S Leng, Y Zhang, H Fu
IEEE VTC Spring 2011, 1-5, 2011
DenseVLC: A Cell-Free Massive MIMO System with Distributed LEDs
J Beysens, A Galisteo, Q Wang, D Juara, D Giustiniano, S Pollin
ACM CoNEXT 2018, 1-13, 2018
Communication Networks of Visible Light Emitting Diodes with Intra-Frame Bidirectional Transmission
Q Wang, D Giustiniano
ACM CoNEXT 2014, 1-7, 2014
Passive Visible Light Networks: Taxonomy and Opportunities
Q Wang, M Zuniga
ACM MobiCom Workshop on Light up the IoT (LIoT), 1-6, 2020
Medium access control in vehicular ad hoc networks
S Leng, H Fu, Q Wang, Y Zhang
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11 (7), 796-812, 2011
A Cell-free Networking System with Visible Light
J Beysens, Q Wang, A Galisteo, D Giustiniano, S Pollin
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 461 - 476, 2020
In Light and In Darkness, In Motion and In Stillness: A Reliable and Adaptive Receiver for the Internet of Lights
Q Wang, D Giustiniano, M Zuniga
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 36 (1), 149 - 161, 2017
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Articles 1–20