Thomas Beneteau
Thomas Beneteau
Other namesThomas Bénéteau
Postdoc - IAME (Paris)
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Cited by
Cited by
18-year evolution of asthma and allergic diseases in French urban schoolchildren in relation to indoor air pollutant levels
F Sasso, M Izard, T Beneteau, T Rakotozandry, M Ramadour, ...
Respiratory medicine 148, 31-36, 2019
Estimating dates of origin and end of COVID-19 epidemics
T Bénéteau, B Elie, MT Sofonea, S Alizon
Peer Community Journal 1, 2021
When do opposites attract? A model uncovering the evolution of disassortative mating
L Maisonneuve, T Beneteau, M Joron, C Smadi, V Llaurens
The American Naturalist 198 (5), 625-641, 2021
Episome partitioning and symmetric cell divisions: Quantifying the role of random events in the persistence of HPV infections
T Beneteau, C Selinger, MT Sofonea, S Alizon
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009352, 2021
Viral and immune dynamics of HPV genital infections in young women
N Tessandier, B Elie, V Boué, C Selinger, M Rahmoun, C Bernat, ...
medRxiv, 2023.05. 11.23289843, 2023
HPV detection patterns in young women from the PAPCLEAR longitudinal study: implications for HPV screening policies
T Bénéteau, S Groc, CL Murall, V Boué, B Élie, N Tessandier, C Bernat, ...
medRxiv, 2023.09. 30.23296382, 2023
Stochasticity and COVID-19 epidemics
T Bénéteau, B Elie, S Alizon, MT Sofonea
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Institut de Recherche …, 2020
Stochasticité et épidémie de COVID-19
T Bénéteau, B Elie, S Alizon, MT Sofonea
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Institut de Recherche …, 2020
Incidence and duration of human papillomavirus infections in young women: insights from a bimonthly follow-up cohort
T Bénéteau, S Groc, CL Murall, V Boué, B Elie, N Tessandier, C Bernat, ...
Infectious Diseases, 1-10, 2024
Modélisation multi-échelle de la persistance des infections virales humaines: approches stochastiques et statistiques
T Beneteau
Université de Montpellier, 2023
Estimating dates of origin and end of COVID-19 epidemics (preprint)
T Beneteau, B Elie, M Sofonea, S Alizon
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Articles 1–11