Herbert Budka
Herbert Budka
Professor of Neuropathol., ret., Med. Univ. Vienna, Austria
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Classification of sporadic Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease based on molecular and phenotypic analysis of 300 subjects
P Parchi, A Giese, S Capellari, P Brown, W Schulz‐Schaeffer, O Windl, ...
Annals of neurology 46 (2), 224-233, 1999
Accumulation of abnormally phosphorylated τ precedes the formation of neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease
C Bancher, C Brunner, H Lassmann, H Budka, K Jellinger, G Wiche, ...
Brain research 477 (1-2), 90-99, 1989
Identification of common variants influencing risk of the tauopathy progressive supranuclear palsy
GU Höglinger, NM Melhem, DW Dickson, PMA Sleiman, LS Wang, L Klei, ...
Nature genetics 43 (7), 699-705, 2011
Viral meningoencephalitis: a review of diagnostic methods and guidelines for management
I Steiner, H Budka, A Chaudhuri, M Koskiniemi, K Sainio, O Salonen, ...
European Journal of Neurology 17 (8), 999-e57, 2010
Analysis of EEG and CSF 14-3-3 proteins as aids to the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
I Zerr, M Pocchiari, S Collins, JP Brandel, J de Pedro Cuesta, RSG Knight, ...
Neurology 55 (6), 811-815, 2000
Diffuse type of Lewy body disease: progressive dementia with abundant cortical Lewy bodies and senile changes of varying degree--a new disease?
K Kosaka, M Yoshimura, K Ikeda, H Budka
Clinical neuropathology 3 (5), 185-192, 1984
Neuropathological diagnostic criteria for Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease (CJD) and other human spongiform encephalopathies (prion diseases)
H Budka, A Aguzzi, P Brown, JM Brucher, O Bugiani, F Gullotta, M Haltia, ...
Brain Pathology 5 (4), 459-466, 1995
Patterns of oligodendroglia pathology in multiple sclerosis
K Ozawa, G Suchanek, H Breitschopf, W Br€ Ck, H Budka, K Jellinger, ...
Brain 117 (6), 1311-1322, 1994
Genetic prion disease: the EUROCJD experience
GG Kovács, M Puopolo, A Ladogana, M Pocchiari, H Budka, C van Duijn, ...
Human genetics 118, 166-174, 2005
Mortality from Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and related disorders in Europe, Australia, and Canada
A Ladogana, M Puopolo, EA Croes, H Budka, C Jarius, S Collins, ...
Neurology 64 (9), 1586-1591, 2005
Neuropathology of human immunodeficiency virus infection
H Budka
Brain pathology 1 (3), 163-175, 1991
Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG): harmonized evaluation strategy
GG Kovacs, I Ferrer, LT Grinberg, I Alafuzoff, J Attems, H Budka, ...
Acta neuropathologica 131, 87-102, 2016
Loss of neurons in the frontal cortex in AIDS brains
S Ketzler, S Weis, H Haug, H Budka
Acta neuropathologica 80 (1), 92-94, 1990
HIV-associated disease of the nervous system: review of nomenclature and proposal for neuropathology-based terminology
H Budka, CA Wiley, P Kleihues, J Artigas, AK Asbury, ES Cho, ...
Brain Pathology 1 (3), 143-152, 1991
Molecular classification of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
AF Hill, S Joiner, JDF Wadsworth, KCL Sidle, JE Bell, H Budka, ...
Brain 126 (6), 1333-1346, 2003
Brain pathology induced by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) A histological, immunocytochemical, and electron microscopical study of 100 autopsy cases
H Budka, G Costanzi, S Cristina, A Lechi, C Parravicini, R Trabattoni, ...
Acta neuropathologica 75, 185-198, 1987
Classic, atypical, and anaplastic meningioma: three histopathological subtypes of clinical relevance
H Maier, D Öfner, A Hittmair, K Kitz, H Budka
Journal of neurosurgery 77 (4), 616-623, 1992
Determinants of diagnostic investigation sensitivities across the clinical spectrum of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
SJ Collins, P Sanchez-Juan, CL Masters, GM Klug, C van Duijn, ...
Brain 129 (9), 2278-2287, 2006
Non-Alzheimer neurodegenerative pathologies and their combinations are more frequent than commonly believed in the elderly brain: a community-based autopsy series
GG Kovacs, I Milenkovic, A Wöhrer, R Höftberger, E Gelpi, C Haberler, ...
Acta neuropathologica 126, 365-384, 2013
Scientific Opinion on the maintenance of the list of QPS biological agents intentionally added to food and feed (2013 update)
EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ)
EFSA Journal 11 (11), 3449, 2013
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Articles 1–20