Self-organization in urban development: towards a new perspective on spatial planning B Boonstra, L Boelens Urban Research & Practice 4 (2), 99-122, 2011 | 545 | 2011 |
Self-organization in urban regeneration: A two-case comparative research I Van Meerkerk, B Boonstra, J Edelenbos European Planning Studies 21 (10), 1630-1652, 2013 | 154 | 2013 |
Planning strategies in an age of active citizenship B Boonstra A post-structuralist agenda for self-organization in spatial planning, 2015 | 115* | 2015 |
Adaptation of the urban codes–A story of placemaking in Jerusalem Y Rosner-Manor, SG Borghini, B Boonstra, P Silva Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 47 (2), 251-267, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Communities, heritage and planning: towards a co-evolutionary heritage approach K van Knippenberg, B Boonstra, L Boelens Planning Theory & Practice 23 (1), 26-42, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Ontological diversity in urban self-organization: Complexity, critical realism and post-structuralism B Boonstra, W Rauws Planning theory 20 (4), 303-324, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Mapping trajectories of becoming: four forms of behaviour in co-housing initiatives B Boonstra Town Planning Review 87 (3), 275-296, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Self-organization in urban development: towards a new perspective on spatial planning. Urban Research & Practice, 4 (2), 99–122 B Boonstra, L Boelens Co-Creation of Public Spaces, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Zelfbouw in reflectie: evaluatie SEV-experimenten (C) PO/MO L Boelens, G Bolt, P Hooimeijer, B Boonstra, J Brouwer SEV, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Keep going on: A qualitative comparative analysis on the durability of solidarity initiatives during and after crisis B Boonstra, S Claessens, R Warsen, I Van Meerkerk Public Administration 101 (4), 1443-1460, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Vertrouwen op oplossend vermogen maatschappij B Boonstra Stedebouw & ruimtelijke ordening 91 (2), 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Maatschappelijke Coalities in Coronatijd: Van spontaan initiatief naar duurzaam samenwerkingsverband B Boonstra, S Claessens …, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Rotterdam: do-it-yourself assemblages in urban regeneration B Boonstra, W Lofvers disP-The Planning Review 53 (1), 6-17, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Co-evolutionary heritage reuse: a European multiple case study perspective K van Knippenberg, B Boonstra European Planning Studies 31 (10), 1995-2012, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Mitigating tensions between ethics and aesthetics through community-led adaptive heritage reuse: the case of post-industrial Praga, Warsaw K van Knippenberg, B Boonstra Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Self-organization and spatial planning in the face of the European refugee crisis B Boonstra Handbook on planning and complexity, 220-236, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Bringing resilience together: On the co-evolutionary capacities of boundary organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Rotterdam B Boonstra, N Rommens Cities 140, 104420, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Kom op tegen verharding! Pleidooi voor een antirookcampagne in het Vlaams ruimtelijk beleid H Leinfelder Stichting Planologische Discussiedagen, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
The appropriated city B Boonstra, M Specht A Proactive Co-evolutionary Planning: Introducing Innovative Non-linear …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
The art of creating consistency: planning strategies in an age of actice citizenship B Boonstra AESOP Annual Congress, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |