Arizo Karimi
Arizo Karimi
Assistant Professor, Economics department, Uppsala university
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Cited by
Parenthood, Family Friendly Firms, and the Gender Gaps in Early Work Careers
VJ Hotz, P Johansson, A Karimi
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Modern family? Paternity leave and marital stability
D Avdic, A Karimi
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10 (4), 283-307, 2018
Parenthood, Family Friendly Workplaces, and the Gender Gaps in Early Work Careers
VJ Hotz, P Johansson, A Karimi
Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Working Paper, 2018
Parental leave benefits, household labor supply, and children’s long-run outcomes
R Ginja, J Jans, A Karimi
Journal of Labor Economics 38 (1), 261-320, 2020
Employer responses to family leave programs
R Ginja, A Karimi, P Xiao
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15 (1), 107-135, 2023
Labour supply responses to paid parental leave
A Karimi, E Lindahl, P Skogman Thoursie
Working Paper, IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education …, 2012
Effects of the timing of births on women's earnings: Evidence from a natural experiment
A Karimi
Working Paper, IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education …, 2014
Mothers' income recovery after childbearing
N Angelov, A Karimi
Working Paper, IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education …, 2012
Gender gap variation across assessment types: Explanations and implications
G Graetz, A Karimi
Economics of Education Review 91, 102313, 2022
The spacing of births and women's subsequent earnings: Evidence from a natural experiment
A Karimi
Working Paper, IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education …, 2014
Impacts of Policies, Peers and Parenthood on Labor Market Outcomes
A Karimi
Nationalekonomiska Institutionen, Uppsala Universitet, 2014
Explaining gender gap variation across assessment forms
G Graetz, A Karimi
Working Paper, 2019
Family friendly firms? Worker mobility, firm attributes and wage trajectories of women and men
A Karimi, VJ Hotz, P Johansson
Discussion Paper, 2016
Repayment performance in microfinance: A theoretical analysis
V Berglind, A Karimi
Nationalekonomiska institutionen, 2008
Parental Investments in Early Life and Child Outcomes Evidence from Swedish Parental Leave Rules
R Ginja, J Jans, A Karimi
Worker absenteeism: peer influences, monitoring and job flexibility
P Johansson, A Karimi, J Peter Nilsson
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2019
Gender differences in shirking: monitoring or social preferences? Evidence from a field experiment
P Johansson, A Karimi, P Nilsson
IZA Discussion Paper, 2014
Könsskillnader i skolbetyg och resultat på högskoleprov
G Graetz, A Karimi
Betydelsen av kognitiva egenskaper och motivation, IFAU Rapport 9, 2019
Birth Spacing and Women’s Subsequent Earnings-Evidence from a Natural Experiment
A Karimi
Impacts of Policies, Peers and Parenthood on Labor Market Outcomes, 69, 0
Paternity leave and child outcomes
D Avdic, A Karimi, A Sjögren, E Sundberg
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2023
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Articles 1–20