paul nieuwbeerta
paul nieuwbeerta
Leiden University - Criminology
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Criminal victimization in seventeen industrialised countries: Key findings from the 2000 International Crime Victims Survey
J Van Kesteren, P Mayhew, P Nieuwbeerta, NM Justice, RD Centre
International Journal of Comparative Criminologie 1 (1), 151-160, 2001
The effects of life circumstances on longitudinal trajectories of offending
AAJ Blokland, P Nieuwbeerta
Criminology 43 (4), 1203-1240, 2005
How Do Residential Burglars Select Target Areas? A New Approach to the Analysis of Criminal Location Choice
W Bernasco, P Nieuwbeerta
British Journal of Criminology 45 (3), 296-315, 2005
Neighbourhood characteristics and reporting crime: Effects of social cohesion, confidence in police effectiveness and socio-economic disadvantage 1
H Goudriaan, K Wittebrood, P Nieuwbeerta
British journal of criminology 46 (4), 719-742, 2006
The democratic class struggle in twenty countries 1945-1990
P Nieuwbeerta
Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1995
Marriage and desistance from crime in the Netherlands: Do gender and socio-historical context matter?
BE Bersani, JH Laub, P Nieuwbeerta
Developmental and Life-course Criminological Theories, 443-464, 2017
Life span offending trajectories of a Dutch conviction cohort
AAJ Blokland, D Nagin, P Nieuwbeerta
Criminology 43 (4), 919-954, 2005
Criminal victimization during one's life course: The effects of previous victimization and patterns of routine activities
K Wittebrood, P Nieuwbeerta
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 37 (1), 91-122, 2000
Cleavage-based voting behavior in cross-national perspective: Evidence from six postwar democracies
C Brooks, P Nieuwbeerta, J Manza
Social Science Research 35 (1), 88-128, 2006
Class mobility and political preferences: individual and contextual effects
ND De Graaf, P Nieuwbeerta, A Heath
American Journal of Sociology 100, 997-1027, 1995
Reporting to the police in western nations: A theoretical analysis of the effects of social context
H Goudriaan, JP Lynch, P Nieuwbeerta
Justice quarterly 21 (4), 933-969, 2004
Procedural Justice, Anger, and Prisoners’ Misconduct A Longitudinal Study
KA Beijersbergen, AJE Dirkzwager, VI Eichelsheim, PH Van der Laan, ...
Criminal justice and behavior 42 (2), 196-218, 2014
The impact of imprisonment on marriage and divorce: a risk set matching approach
R Apel, A Blokland, P Nieuwbeerta, M Schellen
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 26 (2), 269-300, 2010
Traditional class voting in twenty postwar societies
P Nieuwbeerta, ND De Graaf
The end of class politics, 23-56, 1999
The predictive value of criminal background checks: Do age and criminal history affect time to redemption?
SD Bushway, P Nieuwbeerta, A Blokland
Criminology 49 (1), 27-60, 2011
Assessing the impact of first-time imprisonment on offenders’ subsequent criminal career development: A matched samples comparison
P Nieuwbeerta, DS Nagin, AAJ Blokland
Journal of quantitative criminology 25, 227-257, 2009
Reoffending after release: Does procedural justice during imprisonment matter?
PN K. Beijersbergen, A. Dirkzwager
Criminal Justice and Behavior 43, 63-82, 2016
Comparing the effects of community service and short-term imprisonment on recidivism: a matched samples approach
H Wermink, A Blokland, P Nieuwbeerta, D Nagin, N Tollenaar
Journal of Experimental Criminology 6, 325-349, 2010
Long-term patterns of offending in women
C Rebecca Block, AAJ Blokland, C Van Der Werff, R Van Os, ...
Feminist criminology 5 (1), 73-107, 2010
Criminal victimization in seventeen industrialized countries. Key findings from the 2000 International Crime Victims Survey
J Kesteren, P Mayhew, P Nieuwbeerta
Den Haag: WODC, 2000
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