Nathan Wilmers
Nathan Wilmers
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Do the poor pay more for housing? Exploitation, profit, and risk in rental markets
M Desmond, N Wilmers
American Journal of Sociology 124 (4), 1090-1124, 2019
Wage stagnation and buyer power: How buyer-supplier relations affect US workers’ wages, 1978 to 2014
N Wilmers
American Sociological Review 83 (2), 213-242, 2018
Consolidated advantage: new organizational dynamics of wage inequality
N Wilmers, C Aeppli
American Sociological Review 86 (6), 1100-1130, 2021
Labor unions as activist organizations: A union power approach to estimating union wage effects
N Wilmers
Social Forces 95 (4), 1451-1478, 2017
Job turf or variety: Task structure as a source of organizational inequality
N Wilmers
Administrative Science Quarterly 65 (4), 1018-1057, 2020
Rapid wage growth at the bottom has offset rising US inequality
C Aeppli, N Wilmers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (42), e2204305119, 2022
Does consumer demand reproduce inequality? High-income consumers, vertical differentiation, and the wage structure
N Wilmers
American Journal of Sociology 123 (1), 178-231, 2017
Values and inequality: Prosocial jobs and the college wage premium
N Wilmers, L Zhang
American Sociological Review 87 (3), 415-442, 2022
Solidarity within and across workplaces: How cross-workplace coordination affects earnings inequality
N Wilmers
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 5 (4), 190-215, 2019
Generative AI and the Future of Inequality
N Wilmers
MIT, 2024
Wage stagnation and the decline of standardized pay rates, 1974–1991
M Massenkoff, N Wilmers
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15 (1), 474-507, 2023
Firms and the intergenerational transmission of labor market advantage
P Engzell, N Wilmers
Preprint, SocArXiv December, 2021
Rubbing shoulders: Class segregation in daily activities
M Massenkoff, N Wilmers
Available at SSRN 4516850, 2023
How internal hiring affects occupational stratification
N Wilmers, W Kimball
Social Forces 101 (1), 111-149, 2022
Blacklist or short list: do employers discriminate against union supporter job applicants?
N Kreisberg, N Wilmers
ILR Review 75 (4), 943-973, 2022
Economic Outcomes of Strikers in an Era of Weak Unions. Journal of Labor Economics
M Massenkoff, N Wilmers
Forthcoming, 2022
How Do Employer Practices Affect Economic Mobility?
EL Kelly, H Rahmandad, N Wilmers, A Yadama
ILR Review 76 (5), 792-832, 2023
Job upgrading and earnings growth for non-college workers
D Nelson, N Wilmers, L Zhang
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 11043, 2022
Frames or social structures? Comment on “Making sense of (mis) matched frames of reference: A dynamic cognitive theory of (in) stability in HR practices”
N Wilmers
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 61 (3), 314-318, 2022
Work Organization and High-Paying Jobs
D Nelson, N Wilmers, L Zhang
Available at SSRN 4765009, 2024
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