Henny Leemkuil
Henny Leemkuil
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KM QUEST: A collaborative Internet-based simulation game
H Leemkuil, T De Jong, R De Hoog, N Christoph
Simulation & gaming 34 (1), 89-111, 2003
Review of educational use of games and simulations (Knowledge management Interactive Training System Project No. IST-1999-13078)
H Leemkuil, T de Jong, S Ootes
The Netherlands: University of Twente. Retrieved on 8 (1), 2005, 2000
Adaptive advice in learning with a computer-based knowledge management simulation game
H Leemkuil, TON De Jong
Academy of management learning & education 11 (4), 653-665, 2012
Learning from games: Does collaboration help?
H van der Meij, E Albers, H Leemkuil
British Journal of Educational Technology 42 (4), 655-664, 2011
Is it all in the game? Learner support in an educational knowledge management simulation game
H Leemkuil
Instructional Support in Games.
H Leemkuil, T Jong
IAP Information Age Publishing, 2011
Does individual or collaborative self-debriefing better enhance learning from games?
H Van Der Meij, H Leemkuil, JL Li
Computers in human behavior 29 (6), 2471-2479, 2013
Effects of scripting on dialogues, motivation and learning outcomes in serious games
H Van der Meij, S Veldkamp, H Leemkuil
British journal of educational technology 51 (2), 459-472, 2020
Games en gaming
H Leemkuil, T De Jong
PA Kirschner (Ed.), Ict in het onderwijs: The next generation, 43-59, 2004
Modelling human emotions for tactical decision‐making games
GC Visschedijk, AW Lazonder, A Van Der Hulst, N Vink, H Leemkuil
British Journal of Educational Technology 44 (2), 197-207, 2013
In search of design principles for developing digital learning & performance support for a student design task
L Bollen, H Van der Meij, H Leemkuil, S McKenney
Australasian journal of educational technology 31 (5), 2015
Is support really necessary within educational games?
H Leemkuil, R de Hoog
Workshop on Educational Games as Intelligent Learning Environments at the …, 2005
The relation between instructional control strategies and performance and attitudes in computer-based instruction
E Hasselerharm, H Leemkuil
JM Pieters, PRJ Simons, & L. De Leeuw, Research on Computer-based …, 1990
A patterns approach to connecting the design and deployment of mathematical games and simulations
DD Pratt, N Winters, M Cerulli, H Leemkuil
Technology-Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products, 215-232, 2009
Developments in the Design of Instruction: From Simple Models to Complex Electronic Learning Environments
S Dijkstra, H Leemkuil
Understanding models for learning and instruction, 189-210, 2008
Review of educational games and simulations
H Leemkuil, TD Jong, S Ootes
KITS Consortium, 110-119, 2000
Educational computer games: scaffolding is the active substance
HH Leemkuil
Why do games work, 165-170, 2008
Final specification of the instructional envelope
H Leemkuil, N Christoph, R de Hoog, T De Jong, S Ootes, I Shostak, ...
Deliverable to the KITS project D13, 1-142, 2002
Initial specification of the instructional envelope
H Leemkuil, T De Jong, S Ootes, I Shostak, R Purbojo, R De Hoog, ...
Technical Report, 2001
Review of educational use of games and simulations (IST-1999-13078 Deliverable D1)
H Leemkuil, T de Jong, S Ootes
University of Twente, Enschede, 2000
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