Joachim Wagner
Joachim Wagner
ADAPT Centre, NCLT, School of Computing, Dublin City University
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Cited by
Code mixing: A challenge for language identification in the language of social media
U Barman, A Das, J Wagner, J Foster
Proceedings of the first workshop on computational approaches to code …, 2014
Dcu: Aspect-based polarity classification for semeval task 4
J Wagner, P Arora, S Cortes, U Barman, D Bogdanova, J Foster, L Tounsi
Association for Computational Linguistics and Dublin City University, 2014
#hardtoparse: POS Tagging and Parsing the Twitterverse
DHJG Jennifer Foster, Ozlem Cetinoglu, Joachim Wagner, Joseph Le Roux ...
Analyzing Microtext: Papers from the 2011 AAAI Workshop (WS-11-05), 20-25, 2011
From News to Comment: Resources and Benchmarks for Parsing the Language of Web 2.0
J Foster, O Cetinoglu, J Wagner, J Le Roux, J Nivre, D Hogan, ...
5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP …, 2011
A comparative evaluation of deep and shallow approaches to the automatic detection of common grammatical errors
J Wagner, J Foster, J van Genabith
The 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2007
A review of the state-of-the-art in automatic post-editing
F do Carmo, D Shterionov, J Moorkens, J Wagner, M Hossari, E Paquin, ...
Machine Translation 35, 101-143, 2021
Judging grammaticality: Experiments in sentence classification
J Wagner, J Foster, J van Genabith
Calico Journal 26 (3), 474-490, 2009
Adapting a WSJ-trained parser to grammatically noisy text
J Foster, J Wagner, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers, 221-224, 2008
Dcu-uvt: Word-level language classification with code-mixed data
U Barman, J Wagner, G Chrupała, J Foster
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2014
Part-of-speech tagging of code-mixed social media content: Pipeline, stacking and joint modelling
U Barman, J Wagner, J Foster
Proceedings of the second workshop on computational approaches to code …, 2016
A roadmap to neural automatic post-editing: an empirical approach
D Shterionov, F Carmo, J Moorkens, M Hossari, J Wagner, E Paquin, ...
Machine Translation 34, 67-96, 2020
Dcu-symantec submission for the wmt 2012 quality estimation task
R Rubino, J Foster, J Wagner, J Roturier, RSZ Kaljahi, F Hollowood
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 138-144, 2012
Adapting WSJ-trained parsers to the British National Corpus using in-domain self-training
J Foster, J Wagner, D Seddah, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parsing Technologies …, 2007
DCU-Paris13 systems for the SANCL 2012 shared task
J Le Roux, J Foster, J Wagner, RSZ Kaljahi, A Bryl
NAACL 2012, 1-4, 2012
The effect of correcting grammatical errors on parse probabilities
J Wagner, J Foster
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies …, 2009
Detecting Grammatical Errors with Treebank-Induced, Probabilistic Parsers
J Wagner
Dublin City University, 2012
Using NLP technology in CALL
C Greene, K Keogh, T Koller, J Wagner, M Ward, J van Genabith
InSTIL/ICALL 2004 Symposium on Computer Assisted Language Learning, Venice …, 2004
Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: Experiments in monolingual, bilingual and multilingual retrieval
G Jones, M Burke, J Judge, A Khasin, A Lam-Adesina, J Wagner
Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: 5th Workshop of …, 2005
C-structures and f-structures for the British National Corpus
J Wagner, D Seddah, J Foster, J van Genabith
The Twelfth International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG07 …, 2007
gaBERT--an Irish Language Model
J Barry, J Wagner, L Cassidy, A Cowap, T Lynn, A Walsh, MJÓ Meachair, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.12930, 2021
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Articles 1–20