Miroslava Silva Ordaz
Miroslava Silva Ordaz
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
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Cited by
Estudio de herramientas Moodle para desarrollar habilidades del siglo XXI
MS Ordaz, TG Ramírez, TG Flores, RC Ramírez
Campus virtuales 5 (2), 58-69, 2016
Investigating the role of spatial thinking in children’s design ideation through an open-ended design-by-analogy challenge
C Zhu, R Klapwijk, M Silva-Ordaz, J Spandaw, MJ de Vries
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-30, 2024
Cognitive and embodied mapping of data: an examination of children’s spatial thinking in data physicalization
C Zhu, R Klapwijk, M Silva-Ordaz, J Spandaw, MJ de Vries
Frontiers in Education 8, 1308117, 2023
Supporting learning design language in primary education
MS Ordaz, R Klapwijk, G van Dijk
36th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference, 270, 2018
Using “EcoMakerKits” to stimulate maker mindset and circular thinking in Mexico
Á Núñez-Solís, S Madahar, N Eskue, M Silva-Ordaz
Maker Education Meets Technology Education, 64, 2023
Cognitive and embodied
C Zhu, R Klapwijk, M Silva-Ordaz, J Spandaw, MJ de Vries
Marco de trabajo para desarrollar competencias en TIC en docentes que utilizan el Campus Virtual de la UAQ.
MS Ordaz
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2018
36th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference
N Seery, J Buckley, D Canty, J Phelan
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Articles 1–8