Kuan Yen Tan
Kuan Yen Tan
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A single-atom electron spin qubit in silicon
JJ Pla, KY Tan, JP Dehollain, WH Lim, JJL Morton, DN Jamieson, ...
Nature 489 (7417), 541-545, 2012
Single-shot readout of an electron spin in silicon
A Morello, JJ Pla, FA Zwanenburg, KW Chan, KY Tan, H Huebl, ...
Nature 467 (7316), 687-691, 2010
High-fidelity readout and control of a nuclear spin qubit in silicon
JJ Pla, KY Tan, JP Dehollain, WH Lim, JJL Morton, FA Zwanenburg, ...
Nature 496, 334-338, 2013
Operation of a silicon quantum processor unit cell above one kelvin
CH Yang, RCC Leon, JCC Hwang, A Saraiva, T Tanttu, W Huang, ...
Nature 580 (7803), 350-354, 2020
Transport spectroscopy of single phosphorus donors in a silicon nanoscale transistor
KY Tan, KW Chan, M Mottonen, A Morello, C Yang, J Donkelaar, A Alves, ...
Nano letters 10 (1), 11-15, 2010
Quantum-circuit refrigerator
KY Tan, M Partanen, RE Lake, J Govenius, S Masuda, M Möttönen
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-8, 2017
Detection of zeptojoule microwave pulses using electrothermal feedback in proximity-induced Josephson junctions
J Govenius, RE Lake, KY Tan, M Möttönen
Physical review letters 117 (3), 030802, 2016
Bolometer operating at the threshold for circuit quantum electrodynamics
R Kokkoniemi, JP Girard, D Hazra, A Laitinen, J Govenius, RE Lake, ...
Nature 586 (7827), 47-51, 2020
Nanoscale broadband transmission lines for spin qubit control
JP Dehollain, JJ Pla, E Siew, KY Tan, AS Dzurak, A Morello
Nanotechnology 24, 015202, 2013
Quantum-limited heat conduction over macroscopic distances
M Partanen, KY Tan, J Govenius, RE Lake, MK Mäkelä, T Tanttu, ...
Nature physics 12 (5), 460-464, 2016
An accurate single-electron pump based on a highly tunable silicon quantum dot
A Rossi, T Tanttu, KY Tan, I Iisakka, R Zhao, KW Chan, GC Tettamanzi, ...
Nano letters 14 (6), 3405-3411, 2014
Coherent spin control of s-, p-, d-and f-electrons in a silicon quantum dot
RCC Leon, CH Yang, JCC Hwang, JC Lemyre, T Tanttu, W Huang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 797, 2020
Single-spin qubits in isotopically enriched silicon at low magnetic field
R Zhao, T Tanttu, KY Tan, B Hensen, KW Chan, JCC Hwang, RCC Leon, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5500, 2019
Single-Shot Readout and Relaxation of Singlet and Triplet States in Exchange-Coupled Electron Spins in Silicon
JP Dehollain, JT Muhonen, KY Tan, A Saraiva, DN Jamieson, AS Dzurak, ...
Physical review letters 112 (23), 236801, 2014
Pauli blockade in silicon quantum dots with spin-orbit control
AE Seedhouse, T Tanttu, RCC Leon, R Zhao, KY Tan, B Hensen, ...
PRX quantum 2 (1), 010303, 2021
Nanobolometer with ultralow noise equivalent power
R Kokkoniemi, J Govenius, V Vesterinen, RE Lake, AM Gunyhó, KY Tan, ...
Communications Physics 2 (1), 1-8, 2019
Coherent Control of a Single Nuclear Spin Qubit
JJ Pla, FA Mohiyaddin, KY Tan, JP Dehollain, R Rahman, G Klimeck, ...
Physical review letters 113 (24), 246801, 2014
Theory of quantum-circuit refrigeration by photon-assisted electron tunneling
M Silveri, H Grabert, S Masuda, KY Tan, M Möttönen
Physical Review B 96 (9), 094524, 2017
Exceptional points in tunable superconducting resonators
M Partanen, J Goetz, KY Tan, K Kohvakka, V Sevriuk, RE Lake, ...
Physical Review B 100 (13), 134505, 2019
Broadband Lamb shift in an engineered quantum system
M Silveri, S Masuda, V Sevriuk, KY Tan, M Jenei, E Hyyppä, F Hassler, ...
Nature Physics 15 (6), 533-537, 2019
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