Diana Ingenhoff
Diana Ingenhoff
Other namesProfessor of Organizational Communication and Public Diplomacy
Professor of Organizational Communication and Public Diplomacy at University of Fribourg (CH)
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The potential of Web sites as a relationship building tool for charitable fundraising NPOs
D Ingenhoff, AM Koelling
Public relations review 35 (1), 66-73, 2009
Under positive pressure: How stakeholder pressure affects corporate social responsibility implementation
B Helmig, K Spraul, D Ingenhoff
Business & Society 55 (2), 151-187, 2016
The 4D Model of the country image: An integrative approach from the perspective of communication management
A Buhmann, D Ingenhoff
International Communication Gazette 77 (1), 102-124, 2015
Positioning and differentiation by using brand personality attributes: Do mission and vision statements contribute to building a unique corporate identity?
D Ingenhoff, T Fuhrer
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 15 (1), 83-101, 2010
Legitimacy through CSR disclosures? The advantage outweighs the disadvantages
P Bachmann, D Ingenhoff
Public Relations Review 42 (3), 386-394, 2016
Trust in companies and in CEOs: A comparative study of the main influences
D Ingenhoff, K Sommer
Journal of business ethics 95, 339-355, 2010
Safeguarding reputation through strategic, integrated and situational crisis communication management: Development of the integrative model of crisis communication
A Thiessen, D Ingenhoff
Corporate communications: an international journal 16 (1), 8-26, 2011
Advancing the country image construct from a public relations perspective: From model to measurement
A Buhmann, D Ingenhoff
Journal of Communication Management 19 (1), 62-80, 2015
Corporate Issues Management in multinationalen Unternehmen: eine empirische Studie zu organisationalen Strukturen und Prozessen
D Ingenhoff
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Defining and measuring news media quality: Comparing the content perspective and the audience perspective
P Bachmann, M Eisenegger, D Ingenhoff
The International Journal of Press/Politics 27 (1), 9-37, 2022
Public Diplomacy on Social Media
E Sevin, D Ingenhoff
International Journal of Communication 12, 3663-3685, 2018
Media governance and corporate social responsibility of media organizations: an international comparison
D Ingenhoff, AM Koelling
Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (2), 154-167, 2012
Communication management on social networking sites: Stakeholder motives and usage types of corporate Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages
CH Ruehl, D Ingenhoff
Journal of Communication Management 19 (3), 288-302, 2015
Vertrauen durch Reputation
S Einwiller, A Herrmann, D Ingenhoff
Marketing ZfP 27, 25-40, 2005
Key influencers in public diplomacy 2.0: A country-based social network analysis
D Ingenhoff, G Calamai, E Sevin
Social Media+ Society 7 (1), 2056305120981053, 2021
Corporate diplomacy and political CSR: Similarities, differences and theoretical implications
D Ingenhoff, S Marschlich
Public Relations Review 45 (2), 348-371, 2019
Corporate social responsibility communication: a multi-method approach on stakeholder expectations and managers' intentions
D Ingenhoff, K Sommer
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 73-91, 2011
Issues Management: Ein zentrales Verfahren der Unternehmens-kommunikation
D Ingenhoff, U Röttger
Unternehmenskommunikation: Kommunikationsmanagement aus Sicht der …, 2008
Web sites as a dialogic tool for charitable fundraising NPOs: A comparative study
D Ingenhoff, AM Koelling
International Journal of Strategic Communication 4 (3), 171-188, 2010
A Political Leader's Image in Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding
D Ingenhoff, S Klein
International Journal of Communication 12, 4507-4532, 2018
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Articles 1–20