Graham J.L. Kemp
Graham J.L. Kemp
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Protein docking using spherical polar Fourier correlations
DW Ritchie, GJL Kemp
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 39 (2), 178-194, 2000
Fast computation, rotation, and comparison of low resolution spherical harmonic molecular surfaces
DW Ritchie, GJL Kemp
Journal of Computational Chemistry 20 (4), 383-395, 1999
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences
P Lambrix, G Kemp
KRAFT: Knowledge fusion from distributed databases and knowledge bases
PMD Gray, A Preece, NJ Fiddian, WA Gray, TJM Bench-Capon, ...
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1997. Proceedings., Eighth …, 1997
An object-oriented database for protein structure analysis
PMD Gray, NW Paton, GJL Kemp, JE Fothergill
Protein Engineering 3 (4), 235-243, 1990
Rainbow trout cytokine and cytokine receptor genes
C Secombes, J Zou, G Daniels, C Cunningham, A Koussounadis, G Kemp
Immunological reviews 166 (1), 333-340, 1998
Identification of putative regulatory upstream ORFs in the yeast genome using heuristics and evolutionary conservation
M Cvijović, D Dalevi, E Bilsland, GJL Kemp, P Sunnerhagen
BMC bioinformatics 8 (1), 295, 2007
The evolving role of constraints in the functional data model
PMD Gray, SM Embury, KY Hui, GJL Kemp
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 12 (2), 113-137, 1999
PROPHECY—a database for high-resolution phenomics
L Fernandez-Ricaud, J Warringer, E Ericson, I Pylvänäinen, GJL Kemp, ...
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl 1), D369-D373, 2005
A schema-based approach to building a bioinformatics database federation
GJL Kemp, N Angelopoulos, PMD Gray
Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE …, 2000
Analysis of fish IL-1beta and derived peptide sequences indicates conserved structures with species-specific IL-1 receptor binding: implications for pharmacological design
AI Koussounadis, DW Ritchie, GJL Kemp, CJ Secombes
Current pharmaceutical design 10 (31), 3857-3871, 2004
Identification of protein binding surfaces using surface triplet propensities
W Mehio, GJL Kemp, P Taylor, MD Walkinshaw
Bioinformatics 26 (20), 2549-2555, 2010
PROPHECY—a yeast phenome database, update 2006
L Fernandez-Ricaud, J Warringer, E Ericson, K Glaab, P Davidsson, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl 1), D463-D467, 2007
Architecture of a mediator for a bioinformatics database federation
GJL Kemp, N Angelopoulos, PMD Gray
Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 6 (2), 116-122, 2002
Using the functional data model to integrate distributed biological data sources
GJL Kemp, J Dupont, PMD Gray
Scientific and Statistical Database Systems, 1996. Proceedings., Eighth …, 1996
The use of a genetic algorithm search for molecular mechanics (MM3)-based conformational analysis of oligosaccharides
A Nahmany, F Strino, J Rosen, GJL Kemp, PG Nyholm
Carbohydrate research 340 (5), 1059-1064, 2005
Efficient access to FDM objects stored in a relational database
G Kemp, J Iriarte, P Gray
Directions in Databases, 170-186, 1994
Combining computation with database access in biomolecular computing
G Kemp, Z Jiao, P Gray, J Fothergill
Applications of Databases, 317-335, 1994
Computation of binding energies including their enthalpy and entropy components for protein-ligand complexes using support vector machines
CAK Koppisetty, M Frank, GJL Kemp, PG Nyholm
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2013
Conformation of the exopolysaccharide of< i> Burkholderia cepacia</i> predicted with molecular mechanics (MM3) using genetic algorithm search
F Strino, A Nahmany, J Rosen, GJL Kemp, I Sá-correia, PG Nyholm
Carbohydrate research 340 (5), 1019-1024, 2005
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