Nagarjun Reddy
Cited by
Cited by
Behavioral adaptations of human drivers interacting with automated vehicles
S Soni, N Reddy, A Tsapi, B van Arem, H Farah
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 86, 48-64, 2022
Operational design domain requirements for improved performance of lane assistance systems: A field test study in The Netherlands
N Reddy, H Farah, Y Huang, T Dekker, B Van Arem
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1, 237-252, 2020
How do the recognizability and driving styles of automated vehicles affect human drivers’ gap acceptance at T-Intersections?
N Reddy, SP Hoogendoorn, H Farah
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 90, 451-465, 2022
Modeling automated driving in microscopic traffic simulations for traffic performance evaluations: aspects to consider and state of the practice
H Farah, I Postigo, N Reddy, Y Dong, C Rydergren, N Raju, J Olstam
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (6), 6558-6574, 2022
Car-following properties of a commercial adaptive cruise control system: a pilot field test
N Raju, W Schakel, N Reddy, Y Dong, H Farah
Transportation research record 2676 (7), 128-143, 2022
Road Infrastructure Requirements for Improved Performance of Lane Assistance Systems
N Reddy, H Farah, T Dekker, Y Huang, B van Arem
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020
Understanding cyclists’ perception of driverless vehicles through eye-tracking and interviews
SH Berge, J de Winter, D Dodou, AP Afghari, E Papadimitriou, N Reddy, ...
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 109, 399-420, 2025
Bicycle Parking Choice Behaviour at Train Stations. A Case Study in Delft, the Netherlands
A Gavriilidou, L Pardini Susacasa, N Reddy, W Daamen
Traffic and Granular Flow 2019, 479-485, 2020
Understanding cyclists' perception of driverless vehicles through eye-tracking and interviews
S Hegna Berge, J de Winter, D Dodou, A Pooyan Afghari, E Papadimitriou, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2408.10064, 2024
Does Behavioral Adaptation of Human Drivers Affect Traffic Efficiency of Mixed Traffic on Priority T-Intersections?
N Reddy, N Raju, H Farah, S Hoogendoorn
Incorporating Behavioral Adaptation of Human Drivers in Predicting Traffic Efficiency of Mixed Traffic: A Case Study of Priority T-Intersections
N Reddy, N Raju, H Farah, S Hoogendoorn
Available at SSRN 4380258, 0
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Articles 1–11