Jens B. Asendorpf
Jens B. Asendorpf
Professor, Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor psychologie.hu-berlin.de
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Psychologie der persönlichkeit
JB Asendorpf, FJ Neyer
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Beyond global sociosexual orientations: a more differentiated look at sociosexuality and its effects on courtship and romantic relationships.
L Penke, JB Asendorpf
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (5), 1113, 2008
Personality effects on social relationships.
JB Asendorpf, S Wilpers
Journal of personality and social psychology 74 (6), 1531, 1998
Double dissociation between implicit and explicit personality self-concept: the case of shy behavior.
JB Asendorpf, R Banse, D Mücke
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (2), 380, 2002
Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology
JB Asendorpf, M Conner, F De Fruyt, J De Houwer, JJA Denissen, ...
European journal of personality 27 (2), 108-119, 2013
A gentle introduction to Bayesian analysis: Applications to developmental research
R Van de Schoot, D Kaplan, J Denissen, JB Asendorpf, FJ Neyer, ...
Child development 85 (3), 842-860, 2014
Beyond social withdrawal: Shyness, unsociability, and peer avoidance
JB Asendorpf
Human development 33 (4-5), 250-259, 1990
Social withdrawal, inhibition, and shyness in childhood
KH Rubin, JB Asendorpf, J Asendorpfz
Psychology Press, 2014
Personality–relationship transaction in young adulthood.
FJ Neyer, JB Asendorpf
Journal of personality and social psychology 81 (6), 1190, 2001
Carving personality description at its joints: Confirmation of three replicable personality prototypes for both children and adults
JB Asendorpf, P Borkenau, F Ostendorf, MAG Van Aken
European Journal of personality 15 (3), 169-198, 2001
The transaction between parents' perceptions of their children's shyness and their parenting styles
KH Rubin, LJ Nelson, P Hastings, J Asendorpf
International Journal of behavioral development 23 (4), 937-957, 1999
Resilient, overcontrolled, and undercontroleed personality prototypes in childhood: Replicability, predictive power, and the trait-type issue.
JB Asendorpf, MAG van Aken
Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (4), 815, 1999
Personality–relationship transaction in adolescence: Core versus surface personality characteristics
JB Asendorpf, MAG Van Aken
Journal of personality 71 (4), 629-666, 2003
The discrepant repressor: Differentiation between low anxiety, high anxiety, and repression of anxiety by autonomic–facial–verbal patterns of behavior.
JB Asendorpf, KR Scherer
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45 (6), 1334, 1983
Development of inhibition during childhood: Evidence for situational specificity and a two-factor model.
JB Asendorpf
Developmental Psychology 26 (5), 721, 1990
Development of inhibited children's coping with unfamiliarity
JB Asendorpf
Child Development 62 (6), 1460-1474, 1991
Psychologie der Beziehung
J Asendorpf, R Banse, FJ Neyer
Hogrefe AG, 2017
Testgüte und psychometrische Äquivalenz der deutschen Version des Big Five Inventory (BFI) bei jungen, mittelalten und alten Erwachsenen
FR Lang, O Lüdtke, JB Asendorpf
Diagnostica 47 (3), 111-121, 2001
JB Asendorpf
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
Self-awareness and other-awareness. II: Mirror self-recognition, social contingency awareness, and synchronic imitation.
JB Asendorpf, V Warkentin, PM Baudonniere
Developmental Psychology 32 (2), 313, 1996
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