Hydrosocial territories: a political ecology perspective R Boelens, J Hoogesteger, E Swyngedouw, J Vos, P Wester Water international 41 (1), 1-14, 2016 | 969 | 2016 |
The danger of naturalizing water policy concepts: Water productivity and efficiency discourses from field irrigation to virtual water trade R Boelens, J Vos Agricultural water management 108, 16-26, 2012 | 265 | 2012 |
Water justice R Boelens, T Perreault, J Vos Cambridge University Press, 2018 | 137 | 2018 |
Riverhood: Political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice R Boelens, A Escobar, K Bakker, L Hommes, E Swyngedouw, ... The Journal of Peasant Studies 50 (3), 1125-1156, 2023 | 123 | 2023 |
Sustainability standards and the water question J Vos, R Boelens Development and Change 45 (2), 205-230, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
Legal pluralism, hydraulic property creation and sustainability: The materialized nature of water rights in user-managed systems R Boelens, J Vos Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 11, 55-62, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
Introduction: the multiple challenges and layers of water justice struggles RA Boelens, JMC Vos, T Perreault Water justice, 1-32, 2018 | 95 | 2018 |
Food or flowers? Contested transformations of community food security and water use priorities under new legal and market regimes in Ecuador's highlands P Mena-Vásconez, R Boelens, J Vos Journal of Rural Studies 44, 227-238, 2016 | 93 | 2016 |
De-colonizing water. Dispossession, water insecurity, and Indigenous claims for resources, authority, and territory JP Hidalgo, R Boelens, J Vos Water History 9, 67-85, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Environmental justice movements in globalising networks: A critical discussion on social resistance against large dams E Shah, J Vos, GJ Veldwisch, R Boelens, B Duarte-Abadía The Journal of Peasant Studies 48 (5), 1008-1032, 2021 | 81 | 2021 |
El agua ante nuevos desafíos MT Oré, L del Castillo, S Van Orsel, J Vos Actores e iniciativas en Ecuador. Osfam Internacional, Perú, 2009 | 77* | 2009 |
A scale-based framework to understand the promises, pitfalls and paradoxes of irrigation efficiency to meet major water challenges B Lankford, A Closas, J Dalton, EL Gunn, T Hess, JW Knox, ... Global Environmental Change 65, 102182, 2020 | 75 | 2020 |
Virtual water trade and the contestation of hydrosocial territories J Vos, L Hinojosa Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity, 331-347, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |
Governmentalities, hydrosocial territories & recognition politics: The making of objects and subjects for climate change adaptation in Ecuador M Mills-Novoa, R Boelens, J Hoogesteger, J Vos Geoforum 115, 90-101, 2020 | 71 | 2020 |
Water governmentalities: The shaping of hydrosocial territories, water transfers and rural–urban subjects in Latin America L Hommes, R Boelens, S Bleeker, B Duarte-Abadía, D Stoltenborg, J Vos Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 3 (2), 399-422, 2020 | 71 | 2020 |
The politics of land use planning: Gold mining in Cajamarca, Peru RP Jeronimo, E Rap, J Vos Land Use Policy 49, 104-117, 2015 | 70 | 2015 |
What is the role of the model in socio-hydrology? Discussion of “Prediction in a socio-hydrological world” LA Melsen, J Vos, R Boelens Hydrological Sciences Journal 63 (9), 1435-1443, 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Rooted water collectives: Towards an analytical framework J Vos, R Boelens, JP Venot, M Kuper Ecological Economics 173, 106651, 2020 | 53 | 2020 |
The power to define resilience in social–hydrological systems: Toward a power‐sensitive resilience framework A Dewulf, T Karpouzoglou, J Warner, A Wesselink, F Mao, J Vos, P Tamas, ... Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 6 (6), e1377, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
The UN world water development report 2016, water and jobs: A critical review E Shah, J Liebrand, J Vos, GJ Veldwisch, R Boelens Development and Change 49 (2), 678-691, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |