Katerina Manevska
Cited by
Cited by
‘Some are more equal than others’: economic egalitarianism and welfare chauvinism in the Netherlands
J Van der Waal, P Achterberg, D Houtman, W De Koster, K Manevska
Journal of European Social Policy 20 (4), 350-363, 2010
Immigration and perceived ethnic threat: Cultural capital and economic explanations
K Manevska, P Achterberg
European Sociological Review 29 (3), 437-449, 2013
Unknowing but supportive? Predispositions, knowledge, and support for hydrogen technology in the Netherlands
P Achterberg, D Houtman, S Van Bohemen, K Manevska
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (12), 6075-6083, 2010
Atypical work, worker voice and supervisor responses
R Sluiter, K Manevska, A Akkerman
Socio-Economic Review 20 (3), 1069-1089, 2022
Good workers and crooked bosses: The effect of voice suppression by supervisors on employees’ populist attitudes and voting
A Stanojevic, A Akkerman, K Manevska
Political Psychology 41 (2), 363-381, 2020
‘Sommigen zijn gelijker dan anderen’: Economisch egalitarisme en verzorgingsstaatschauvinisme in Nederland.
K Manevska, J van der Waal, PHJ Achterberg, D Houtman, W de Koster
Sociologie 6 (1), 3-25, 2010
Why There is Less Supportive Evidence for Contact Theory Than They Say There Is: A Quantitative Cultural-Sociological Critique
K Manevska, P Achterberg, D Houtman
American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 2018
Beyond the Ethnic Divide. Toward a Cultural-Sociological Understanding of Ethnocentrism
K Manevska
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam: Rotterdam, 2014
Spirituality and Environmental Consciousness in the Netherlands: A Comparison of Holistic Spirituality and Christian Dualism.
S van Bohemen, P Achterberg, D Houtman, K Manevska
London: Routledge, 2012
CROCUS survey on worldviews in the Netherlands III: Religion, politics, and anti-institutionalism
P Achterberg, K Manevska, W De Koster, S Aupers, P Mascini, J Van der Waal
Rotterdam and Tilburg: CentERdata, 2012
Protocol of the Healthy Brain Study: An accessible resource for understanding the human brain and how it dynamically and individually operates in its bio-social context (vol 16 …
E Aarts, A Akkerman, M Altgassen, R Bartels, D Beckers, K Bevelander, ...
PLOS ONE 17 (4), 2022
The oppressive boss and workers’ authoritarianism: effect of voice suppression by supervisors on employees’ authoritarian political attitudes
A Stanojevic, A Akkerman, K Manevska
Contemporary Politics 26 (5), 573-595, 2020
Work and Politics Panel Survey 2017
A Akkerman, K Manevska, R Sluiter, A Stanojevic
Nijmegen: Radboud University 402, 527-42, 2017
Women and Post-Christian Holistic Spirituality: Disentangling the New Age-gender Puzzle in the Netherlands
K Manevska
Erasmus University, 2009
Work and Politics Panel Survey 2020
A Akkerman, B Geurkink, K Manevska, R Sluiter, A Snoep, A Stanojevic
Nijmegen: Radboud University, 2020
The workplace as a source of ethnic tolerance? Studying interethnic contact and interethnic resources at work in the Netherlands
K Manevska, R Sluiter, A Akkerman, M Lubbers
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 100, 101955, 2024
Be careful how you treat your coworkers: The reciprocal relationship between ethnic outgroup coworkers’ reactions to voice and ethnic majority employees’ attitudes regarding …
A Stanojevic, A Akkerman, K Manevska
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 44 (3-6), 109-126, 2022
Let’s take it outside: seeking alternative targets for expressing dissent at work when voice is suppressed
A Akkerman, R Sluiter, K Manevska
Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (4), 1767-1788, 2022
The Impact of Network Ties on Worker Voice
R Sluiter, K Manevska, A Akkerman
Employment Relations as Networks, 96-122, 2022
A world to win at work? An integrated approach to meaningful interethnic contact
K Manevska, R Sluiter, A Akkerman
Handbook on Migration and Welfare, 382-404, 2022
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Articles 1–20