José Bidarra
José Bidarra
Associate Professor, Universidade Aberta
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Cited by
Modelo pedagógico virtual da Universidade Aberta: Para uma universidade do futuro
A Pereira, AQ Mendes, L Morgado, L Amante, J Bidarra
Universidade Aberta, 2007
The Development of a Gamebook for Education
M Figueiredo, J Bidarra
Procedia Computer Science 67, 322-331, 2015
Towards a pedagogical model for science education: bridging educational contexts through a blended learning approach
J Bidarra, E Rusman
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 1-15, 2017
Current developments and best practice in open and distance learning
AR Trindade, H Carmo, J Bidarra
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 1 (1), 2000
Transmedia Storytelling and the Creation of a Converging Space of Educational Practices
P Rodrigues, J Bidarra
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 9 (6), 42-48, 2014
Aprendizagem Multimédia Interactiva, in Ensino online e aprendizagem multimédia
J Bidarra, ( Author), G Miranda, ( Editor)
Relógio d'Água Editores, 2009
Universidade Aberta's pedagogical model for distance education: A university for the future
A Pereira, AQ Mendes, L Morgado, L Amante, J Bidarra
Universidade Aberta, 2008
Interactive design and gamification of ebooks for mobile and contextual learning
J Bidarra, M Figueiredo, C Natálio
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 9 (3), 24-32, 2015
Virtual Sign–A Real Time Bidirectional Translator of Portuguese Sign Language
P Escudeiro, N Escudeiro, R Reis, J Lopes, M Norberto, AB Baltasar, ...
Procedia Computer Science 67, 252-262, 2015
From cognitive maps to hypervideo: Supporting flexible and rich learner-centred environments
N Guimarães, T Chambel, J Bidarra
Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning, 2000
Quantitative evaluation framework (QEF)
P Escudeiro, J Bidarra
Revista Ibérica de STI, 16-27, 2008
Aprendizagem multimédia interactiva
J Bidarra
Repositório Aberto - UAb, 2009
Transmedia storytelling as an educational strategy: a prototype for learning English as a second language
P Rodrigues, J Bidarra
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG …, 2016
Competencies in teaching, learning and educational leadership in the digital age
JM Spector
Springer International Publishing, 2016
Cognitive support for learning: imagining the unknown
J Bidarra, PAM Kommers
IOS Press, 2004
Gamification in teaching music: Case study
C Gomes, M Figueiredo, J Bidarra
EduRe'14, 2014
Virtual sign translator
P Escudeiro, N Escudeiro, R Reis, M Barbosa, J Bidarra, AB Baltazar, ...
International conference on computer, networks and communication engineering …, 2013
Exploratory learning with Geodromo: Design of emotional and cognitive factors within an educational cross-media experience
J Bidarra, O Martins
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 43 (2), 171-183, 2010
A dêixis como um" complicador/facilitador" no contexto cognitivo e lingüístico em ambiente educacional face aos alunos com deficiência visual
STF Lavarda, J Bidarra
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial 13, 309-324, 2007
The emergence of the exciting new Web 3.0 and the future of open educational resources
J Bidarra, V Cardoso
EADTU 2007. Annual Conference of the European Association of Distance …, 2007
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Articles 1–20