Martin J. Baptist
Martin J. Baptist
Wageningen Marine Research
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On inducing equations for vegetation resistance
MJ Baptist, V Babovic, J Rodríguez Uthurburu, M Keijzer, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Research 45 (4), 435-450, 2007
When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning
F Turkelboom, M Leone, S Jacobs, E Kelemen, M García-Llorente, F Baró, ...
Ecosystem services 29, 566-578, 2018
Modelling floodplain biogeomorphology.
MJ Baptist
Sustainable hydraulic engineering through building with nature
HJ De Vriend, M van Koningsveld, SGJ Aarninkhof, MB de Vries, ...
Journal of Hydro-environment research 9 (2), 159-171, 2015
Floodplain roughness parameterization using airborne laser scanning and spectral remote sensing
MW Straatsma, MJ Baptist
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 1062-1080, 2008
Assessment of the effects of cyclic floodplain rejuvenation on flood levels and biodiversity along the Rhine River
MJ Baptist, WE Penning, H Duel, AJM Smits, GW Geerling, ...
River Research and Applications 20 (3), 285-297, 2004
The Wadden Sea a universally outstanding tidal wetland
K Reise, MJ Baptist, P Burbridge, N Dankers, L Fischer, B Flemming, ...
Wadden Sea Ecosystem 29, 7-24, 2010
Beneficial use of dredged sediment to enhance salt marsh development by applying a ‘Mud Motor’
MJ Baptist, T Gerkema, BC Van Prooijen, DS Van Maren, M Van Regteren, ...
Ecological Engineering 127, 312-323, 2019
The distribution of macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea in relation to meso-scale bedforms
MJ Baptist, J van Dalfsen, A Weber, S Passchier, S van Heteren
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68 (3-4), 538-546, 2006
Nature rehabilitation by floodplain excavation: The hydraulic effect of 16 years of sedimentation and vegetation succession along the Waal River, NL
GW Geerling, E Kater, C Van den Brink, MJ Baptist, AMJ Ragas, ...
Geomorphology 99 (1-4), 317-328, 2008
A flume experiment on sediment transport with flexible, submerged vegetation
MJ Baptist
International workshop on riparian forest vegetated channels: hydraulic …, 2003
State-of-the-art in data sampling, modelling analysis and applications of river habitat modelling
A Harby, M Baptist, MJ Dunbar, S Schmutz
COST action 626, 1-313, 2004
Cyclic floodplain rejuvenation; a new strategy based on floodplain measures for both flood risk management and enhancement of the biodiversity of the river Rhine
H Duel, MJ Baptist, WE Penning
JB &A, 2001
Bird radar validation in the field by time-referencing line-transect surveys
AM Dokter, MJ Baptist, BJ Ens, KL Krijgsveld, EE van Loon
PloS one 8 (9), e74129, 2013
Prey capture success of Sandwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis varies non‐linearly with water transparency
MJ Baptist, MF Leopold
Ibis 152 (4), 815-825, 2010
Modelling the effects of vegetation on flow and morphology in rivers
MJ Baptist, LV Van den Bosch, JT Dijkstra, S Kapinga
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 339-357, 2005
Relationships between macrozoobenthos and habitat characteristics in an intensively used area of the Dutch coastal zone
MF De Jong, MJ Baptist, HJ Lindeboom, P Hoekstra
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (8), 2409-2422, 2015
Short-term impact of deep sand extraction and ecosystem-based landscaping on macrozoobenthos and sediment characteristics
MF De Jong, MJ Baptist, HJ Lindeboom, P Hoekstra
Marine Pollution Bulletin 97 (1-2), 294-308, 2015
Impact on demersal fish of a large-scale and deep sand extraction site with ecosystem-based landscaped sandbars
MF De Jong, MJ Baptist, R van Hal, IJ De Boois, HJ Lindeboom, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 146, 83-94, 2014
Determining equations for vegetation induced resistance using genetic programming
M Keijzer, M Baptist, V Babovic, JR Uthurburu
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
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