Anne de Waal
Anne de Waal
Technician, Utrecht University
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Photovoltaics in the shade: one bypass diode per solar cell revisited
BB Pannebakker, AC de Waal, WG van Sark
Progress in photovoltaics: Research and Applications 25 (10), 836-849, 2017
Comprehensive characterisation and analysis of PV module performance under real operating conditions
A Louwen, AC de Waal, REI Schropp, APC Faaij, WG van Sark
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 25 (3), 218-232, 2017
Experimental investigation of hysteretic dynamic capillarity effect in unsaturated flow
L Zhuang, SM Hassanizadeh, CZ Qin, A de Waal
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9078-9088, 2017
UPOT: The Utrecht photovoltaic outdoor test facility
W Van Sark, A Louwen, AC de Waal, B Elsinga, REI Schropp
27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 3247-3249, 2012
Analysis of the 1 year outdoor performance of quantum dot luminescent solar concentrators
TA de Bruin, R Terricabres-Polo, A Kaul, NK Zawacka, PT Prins, ...
Solar RRL 7 (8), 2201121, 2023
Improvement of shade resilience in photovoltaic modules using buck converters in a smart module architecture
SZ Mirbagheri Golroodbari, AC De Waal, WG Van Sark
Energies 11 (1), 250, 2018
Evaluation of different indicators for representing solar spectral variation
A Louwen, AC De Waal, WG Van Sark
2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 0133-0137, 2016
Note: Laser-cut molybdenum grids for a retarding field energy analyzer
K Landheer, AA Kobelev, AS Smirnov, J Bosman, S Deelen, M Rossewij, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (6), 2017
Energy performance of a 1.2 MWp photovoltaic system distributed over nine buildings at Utrecht University campus
W van Sark, AC de Waal, J Uithol, N Dols, F Houben, R Kuepers, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2284-2287, 2017
Proof of concept for a novel and smart shade resilient photovoltaic module
SZM Golroodbari, AC de Waal, WG van Sark
IET Renewable Power Generation 13 (12), 2184-2194, 2019
Evaluation of different indicators for representing solar spectra
A Louwen, AC de Waal, W van Sark
43rd IEEE PV specialist conference, 2016
Evaluation of the Effect of Outdoor Solar Spectrum Variations on the Performance of Different PV Technologies
A Louwen, W van Sark, A de Waal, R Schropp, A Faaij
Onderzoek aan zonne-energie in Nederland: de utrecht Photovoltaic Outdoor Test facility
A Louwen, A de Waal, W Sark
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 52-55, 2014
1-year outdoor performance test results of luminescent solar concentrators with embedded nanocrystals
T De Bruin, NK Zawacka, A De Waal, S Verkuilen, T Prins, P Leblans, ...
8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2022
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