Vahid Shadravan
Vahid Shadravan
Research Scientist - CSIRO Energy
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Enhancement of lithium-mediated ammonia synthesis by addition of oxygen
K Li, SZ Andersen, MJ Statt, M Saccoccio, VJ Bukas, K Krempl, R Sažinas, ...
Science 374 (6575), 1593-1597, 2021
Electrosynthesis of ammonia with high selectivity and high rates via engineering of the solid-electrolyte interphase
S Li, Y Zhou, K Li, M Saccoccio, R Sažinas, SZ Andersen, JB Pedersen, ...
Joule 6 (9), 2083-2101, 2022
A spin promotion effect in catalytic ammonia synthesis
A Cao, VJ Bukas, V Shadravan, Z Wang, H Li, J Kibsgaard, I Chorkendorff, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2382, 2022
Effect of Manganese on the Selective Catalytic Hydrogenation of COx in the Presence of Light Hydrocarbons Over Ni/Al2O3: An Experimental and Computational …
V Shadravan, VJ Bukas, GTKK Gunasooriya, J Waleson, M Drewery, ...
ACS Catalysis 10 (2), 1535-1547, 2019
Enhanced promotion of Ru-based ammonia catalysts by in situ dosing of Cs
V Shadravan, A Cao, VJ Bukas, MK Grønborg, CD Damsgaard, Z Wang, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (8), 3310-3320, 2022
A simple kinetic model for oxidative coupling of methane over La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3-δ nanocatalyst
A Farsi, S Ghader, A Moradi, SS Mansouri, V Shadravan
Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 20 (3), 325-333, 2011
Kinetics investigation of direct natural gas conversion by oxidative coupling of methane
A Farsi, A Moradi, S Ghader, V Shadravan, ZA Manan
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2 (5), 270-274, 2010
Oxidative coupling of methane over Li/MgO: catalyst and nanocatalyst performance
A Farsi, A Moradi, S Ghader, V Shadravan
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 24 (1), 70-76, 2011
An experimental investigation on the effects of adding a transition metal to Ni/Al2O3 for catalytic hydrogenation of CO and CO2 in presence of light alkanes and alkenes
V Shadravan, E Kennedy, M Stockenhuber
Catalysis Today 307, 277-285, 2018
A new reactor concept for combining oxidative coupling and steam re‐forming of methane: modeling and analysis
A Farsi, V Shadravan, SS Mansouri, G Zahedi, ZA Manan
International Journal of Energy Research 37 (2), 129-152, 2013
Density calculation of liquid organic compounds using a simple equation of state up to high pressures
SS Mansouri, A Farsi, V Shadravan, S Ghader
Journal of Molecular Liquids 160 (2), 94-102, 2011
Modular and intensified—Reimagining manufacturing at the energy-chemistry nexus and beyond
A Pudi, AP Karcz, S Keshavarz, V Shadravan, MP Andersson, ...
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 174, 108883, 2022
Modeling of Liquid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalysis: Process Intensification via Integration of Process Systems Engineering and Computational Chemistry
A Pudi, AP Karcz, V Shadravan, MP Andersson, SS Mansouri
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 43-48, 2020
Representation of material balance for fractional crystallization of reciprocal salt pair Systems: KNO 3 production case study
S Ghader, V Shadravan, SS Mansouri, A Farsi
Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin 14 (2), 103-109, 2010
Nickel-manganese bimetallic catalysts for selective hydrogénation of COx in the presence of light hydrocarbons: Promotional effect of manganese
V Shadravan, MMJ Li, E Kennedy, M Stockenhuber
12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium 2019, 422-427, 2019
Turning a Hazard into Sustainable Revenue Streams: H2S Valorization in Offshore Oil and Gas Productions through Process Intensification
A Karcz, A Pudi, V Shadravan, M Andersson, SS Mansouri, ...
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2, 2019
Multiscale Modeling of Liquid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalysis for the Simultaneous Extraction and Conversion of Hydrogen Sulfide to Value-Added Products
A Pudi, V Shadravan, A Karcz, SS Mansouri, M Andersson
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2, 2019
Udfordringer med ”nedarvede stoffer”: En tilgang til ugiftige materialecyklusser
V Shadravan, L la Cour Freiesleben, M Buffel, A Pudi, R Carolina Chinda, ...
Dansk Kemi 99 (7), 31-33, 2018
The influence of the electronic structure of bi-metallic nickel-based catalysts on the catalytic hydrogenation of CO and CO2
V Shadravan, E Kennedy, M Stockenhuber
International Symposium of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC18), 2018
Catalytic hydrogenation of CO and CO₂ in the presence of light hydrocarbons
V Shadravan
The University of Newcastle, Australia, 2018
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Articles 1–20