Nadine Schlichting
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic range adaptation to spectral stimulus statistics in human auditory cortex
B Herrmann, N Schlichting, J Obleser
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (1), 327-331, 2014
Temporal context actively shapes EEG signatures of time perception
A Damsma, N Schlichting, H van Rijn
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (20), 4514-4523, 2021
Eliciting contextual temporal calibration: The effect of bottom-up and top-down information in reproduction tasks
SC Maaß, N Schlichting, H van Rijn
Acta psychologica 199, 102898, 2019
Temporal context influences the perceived duration of everyday actions: Assessing the ecological validity of lab-based timing phenomena
N Schlichting, A Damsma, EE Aksoy, M Wächter, T Asfour, H van Rijn
Journal of Cognition 2 (1), 2018
Performance-informed EEG analysis reveals mixed evidence for EEG signatures unique to the processing of time
N Schlichting, R de Jong, H van Rijn
Psychological research 84 (2), 352-369, 2020
Estimating time: Comparing the accuracy of estimation methods for interval timing
A Damsma, N Schlichting, H van Rijn, W Roseboom
Collabra: Psychology 7 (1), 2021
Increased scene complexity during free visual exploration reveals residual unilateral neglect in recovered stroke patients
K Knoppe, N Schlichting, T Schmidt-Wilcke, E Zimmermann
Neuropsychologia, 108400, 2022
Addendum: Implicit learning of temporal behavior in complex dynamic environments
JM Salet, N Schlichting, W Kruijne, H van Rijn
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-5, 2022
Robustness of individual differences in temporal interference effects
N Schlichting, R de Jong, H van Rijn
Plos one 13 (8), e0202345, 2018
Statistical Learning Emerges from Temporally Preparing What Action to Perform Where
JM Salet, W Kruijne, H van Rijn, E Zimmermann, N Schlichting
bioRxiv, 2022
Temporal perturbations cause movement-context independent but modality specific sensorimotor adaptation
N Schlichting, T Kartashova, M Wiesing, E Zimmermann
Journal of vision 22 (2), 18-18, 2022
VR: Time Machine
D Polydorou, O Ben-Tal, A Damsma, N Schlichting
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 294-306, 2020
Time & Other Dimensions
N Schlichting
University of Groningen, 2019
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Articles 1–13