Henk Van As
Henk Van As
Associate Professor Biophysics, Lab of Biophysics and Wageningen NMR Centre, Wageningen University
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Cited by
MRI of long‐distance water transport: a comparison of the phloem and xylem flow characteristics and dynamics in poplar, castor bean, tomato and tobacco
CW Windt, FJ Vergeldt, PA De Jager, H Van As
Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (9), 1715-1729, 2006
Intact plant MRI for the study of cell water relations, membrane permeability, cell-to-cell and long distance water transport
H Van As
Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (4), 743-756, 2007
Sieve tube geometry in relation to phloem flow
DL Mullendore, CW Windt, H Van As, M Knoblauch
The Plant Cell 22 (3), 579-593, 2010
Probing water compartments and membrane permeability in plant cells by 1H NMR relaxation measurements
JEM Snaar, H Van As
Biophysical Journal 63 (6), 1654-1658, 1992
The impact of freeze-drying on microstructure and rehydration properties of carrot
A Voda, N Homan, M Witek, A Duijster, G van Dalen, R van der Sman, ...
Food Research International 49 (2), 687-693, 2012
Evaluation of 1H NMR relaxometry for the assessment of pore‐size distribution in soil samples
F Jaeger, S Bowe, H Van As, GE Schaumann
European Journal of Soil Science 60 (6), 1052-1064, 2009
Time-domain NMR applied to food products
J Van Duynhoven, A Voda, M Witek, H Van As
Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy 69, 145-197, 2010
Cluster structure of anaerobic aggregates of an expanded granular sludge bed reactor
G Gonzalez-Gil, PNL Lens, A Van Aelst, H Van As, AI Versprille, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (8), 3683-3692, 2001
Free radical reaction pathway, thermochemistry of peracetic acid homolysis, and its application for phenol degradation: spectroscopic study and quantum chemistry calculations
EV Rokhina, K Makarova, EA Golovina, H Van As, J Virkutyte
Environmental science & technology 44 (17), 6815-6821, 2010
Influence of stagnant zones on transient and asymptotic dispersion in macroscopically homogeneous porous media
D Kandhai, D Hlushkou, AG Hoekstra, PMA Sloot, H Van As, U Tallarek
Physical review letters 88 (23), 234501, 2002
Quantitative T2 imaging of plant tissues by means of multi-echo MRI microscopy
HT Edzes, D Van Dusschoten, H Van As
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16 (2), 185-196, 1998
Electroosmotic and pressure-driven flow in open and packed capillaries: velocity distributions and fluid dispersion
U Tallarek, E Rapp, T Scheenen, E Bayer, H Van As
Analytical chemistry 72 (10), 2292-2301, 2000
Aquaporins of the PIP2 class are required for efficient anther dehiscence in tobacco
M Bots, F Vergeldt, M Wolters-Arts, K Weterings, H van As, C Mariani
Plant Physiology 137 (3), 1049-1056, 2005
Most water in the tomato truss is imported through the xylem, not the phloem: a nuclear magnetic resonance flow imaging study
CW Windt, E Gerkema, H Van As
Plant physiology 151 (2), 830-842, 2009
MRI of plants and foods
H Van As, J Van Duynhoven
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 229, 25-34, 2013
MRI of intact plants
H Van As, T Scheenen, FJ Vergeldt
Photosynthesis Research 102, 213-222, 2009
Stagnant mobile phase mass transfer in chromatographic media: intraparticle diffusion and exchange kinetics
U Tallarek, FJ Vergeldt, HV As
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (36), 7654-7664, 1999
Extracting diffusion constants from echo-time-dependent PFG NMR data using relaxation-time information
D Vandusschoten, PA Dejager, H Vanas
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A 116 (1), 22-28, 1995
Characterization of the diffusive properties of biofilms using pulsed field gradient‐nuclear magnetic resonance
EE Beuling, D Van Dusschoten, P Lens, JC Van Den Heuvel, H Van As, ...
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 60 (3), 283-291, 1998
Quantification of water transport in plants with NMR imaging
TWJ Scheenen, D Van Dusschoten, PA De Jager, H Van As
Journal of Experimental Botany 51 (351), 1751-1759, 2000
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Articles 1–20