Koen Zuurbier
Koen Zuurbier
Strategic Advisor PWN Water supply
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Cited by
How multiple partially penetrating wells improve the freshwater recovery of coastal aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems: A field and modeling study
KG Zuurbier, WJ Zaadnoordijk, PJ Stuyfzand
Journal of Hydrology 509, 430-441, 2014
The impact of low-temperature seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage (SATES) systems on chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater: modeling of spreading and degradation
KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, J Valstar, VEA Post, BM van Breukelen
Journal of contaminant hydrology 147, 1-13, 2013
Holocene flooding history of the lower Tagus valley (Portugal)
GJ Vis, SJP Bohncke, H Schneider, C Kasse, S Coenraads‐Nederveen, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 25 (8), 1222-1238, 2010
Identification of potential sites for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in coastal areas using ASR performance estimation methods
KG Zuurbier, M Bakker, WJ Zaadnoordijk, PJ Stuyfzand
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (6), 1373, 2013
How subsurface water technologies (SWT) can provide robust, effective, and cost-efficient solutions for freshwater management in coastal zones
KG Zuurbier, KJ Raat, M Paalman, AT Oosterhof, PJ Stuyfzand
Water Resources Management 31, 671-687, 2017
Enabling successful aquifer storage and recovery of freshwater using horizontal directional drilled wells in coastal aquifers
KG Zuurbier, JW Kooiman, MMA Groen, B Maas, PJ Stuyfzand
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (3), B4014003, 2015
Observations and prediction of recovered quality of desalinated seawater in the strategic ASR project in Liwa, Abu Dhabi
PJ Stuyfzand, E Smidt, KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, MA Dawoud
Water 9 (3), 177, 2017
Consequences and mitigation of saltwater intrusion induced by short-circuiting during aquifer storage and recovery in a coastal subsurface
KG Zuurbier, PJ Stuyfzand
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (2), 1173-1188, 2017
Reactive transport impacts on recovered freshwater quality during multiple partially penetrating wells (MPPW-) ASR in a brackish heterogeneous aquifer
KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, PJ Stuyfzand
Applied geochemistry 71, 35-47, 2016
The impact of integrated aquifer storage and recovery and brackish water reverse osmosis (ASRRO) on a coastal groundwater system
SEM Ros, KG Zuurbier
Water 9 (4), 273, 2017
Increasing freshwater recovery upon aquifer storage: a field and modelling study of dedicated aquifer storage and recovery configurations in brackish-saline aquifers
K Zuurbier
GO-FRESH: Valorisatie kansrijke oplossingen voor een robuuste zoetwatervoorziening
GHPO Essink, ES Baaren, KG Zuurbier, J Velstra, JA Veraart
Kennis voor Klimaat, 2014
Use of wastewater in managed aquifer recharge for agricultural and drinking purposes: the dutch experience
K Zuurbier, P Smeets, K Roest, W van Vierssen
Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: From Concept to Implementation, 159-175, 2018
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR): design and operational experiences for water storage through wells
F Rambags, KJ Raat, KG Zuurbier, GA van den Berg, N Hartog
Report number: Prepared 2013, 2012
GO-FRESH: valorisatie kansrijke oplossingen voor een robuuste zoetwatervoorziening: rendabel en duurzaam watergebruik in een zilte omgeving
G Oude Essink, PS Pauw, ES van Baaren, KG Zuurbier, PGB Louw, ...
Utrecht: GO-FRESH, 2018
Effecten warmte-koude-opslagsystemen (WKO) op met gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen verontreinigde grondwatersystemen [Effects of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) on …
K Zuurbier
MSc Thesis, Deltares-VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011
COASTAR: Verkenning strategische brakwaterwinning
SF Stofberg, KG Zuurbier, G Janssen, GHPO Essink, ES Van Baaren, ...
KWR, 2018
Waterhergebruik en–berging met aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) op tuinbouwlocatie Nieuw-Prinsenland
K Zuurbier, P Janmaat, KJ Raat, S Ros, G Ter Mors
H2O online, 2017
Technisch-juridische handreiking risicobeoordeling'ondergrondse waterberging'
K Zuurbier, M van der Schans, M Paalman, P de Putter, T te Winkel, ...
Stichting Toegepast Onderzoek Waterbeheer, 2015
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). Design and operational experiences for water storage
F Rambags, KJ Raat, KG Zuurbier, GA van den Berg, N Hartog
Geochemistry 27, 2435-2452, 2013
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Articles 1–20