Omar A. Saleh
Omar A. Saleh
Professor of Materials, Physics, and Biomolecular Science, UC Santa Barbara
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Capacitance cytometry: Measuring biological cells one by one
LL Sohn, OA Saleh, GR Facer, AJ Beavis, RS Allan, DA Notterman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (20), 10687-10690, 2000
An artificial nanopore for molecular sensing
OA Saleh, LL Sohn
Nano letters 3 (1), 37-38, 2003
Quantitative sensing of nanoscale colloids using a microchip Coulter counter
OA Saleh, LL Sohn
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 (12), 4449-4451, 2001
Direct detection of antibody–antigen binding using an on-chip artificial pore
OA Saleh, LL Sohn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (3), 820-824, 2003
KOPS: DNA motifs that control E. coli chromosome segregation by orienting the FtsK translocase
S Bigot, OA Saleh, C Lesterlin, C Pages, M El Karoui, C Dennis, ...
The EMBO journal 24 (21), 3770-3780, 2005
Multiplexed single-molecule measurements with magnetic tweezers
N Ribeck, OA Saleh
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (9), 2008
Nonlinear low-force elasticity of single-stranded DNA molecules
OA Saleh, DB McIntosh, P Pincus, N Ribeck
Physical review letters 102 (6), 068301, 2009
Fast, DNA‐sequence independent translocation by FtsK in a single‐molecule experiment
OA Saleh, C Pérals, FX Barre, JF Allemand
The EMBO journal 23 (12), 2430-2439, 2004
Oriented loading of FtsK on KOPS
S Bigot, OA Saleh, F Cornet, JF Allemand, FX Barre
Nature structural & molecular biology 13 (11), 1026-1028, 2006
Power spectrum and Allan variance methods for calibrating single-molecule video-tracking instruments
BM Lansdorp, OA Saleh
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (2), 2012
A high-resolution magnetic tweezer for single-molecule measurements
K Kim, OA Saleh
Nucleic acids research 37 (20), e136-e136, 2009
A high-speed magnetic tweezer beyond 10,000 frames per second
BM Lansdorp, SJ Tabrizi, A Dittmore, OA Saleh
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (4), 2013
Salt species-dependent electrostatic effects on ssDNA elasticity
DB McIntosh, OA Saleh
Macromolecules 44 (7), 2328-2333, 2011
Sequence-dependent elasticity and electrostatics of single-stranded DNA: signatures of base-stacking
DB McIntosh, G Duggan, Q Gouil, OA Saleh
Biophysical journal 106 (3), 659-666, 2014
Analysis of DNA supercoil induction by FtsK indicates translocation without groove-tracking
OA Saleh, S Bigot, FX Barre, JF Allemand
Nature structural & molecular biology 12 (5), 436-440, 2005
Single-molecule studies using magnetic traps
T Lionnet, JF Allemand, A Revyakin, TR Strick, OA Saleh, D Bensimon, ...
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2012 (1), pdb. top067488, 2012
DnaB helicase activity is modulated by DNA geometry and force
N Ribeck, DL Kaplan, I Bruck, OA Saleh
Biophysical journal 99 (7), 2170-2179, 2010
Active, motor-driven mechanics in a DNA gel
OJN Bertrand, DK Fygenson, OA Saleh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (43), 17342-17347, 2012
DNA mechanics as a tool to probe helicase and translocase activity
T Lionnet, A Dawid, S Bigot, FX Barre, OA Saleh, F Heslot, JF Allemand, ...
Nucleic acids research 34 (15), 4232-4244, 2006
Salt-dependent properties of a coacervate-like, self-assembled DNA liquid
B Jeon, DT Nguyen, GR Abraham, N Conrad, DK Fygenson, OA Saleh
Soft Matter 14 (34), 7009-7015, 2018
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