Piet Van Mieghem
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Epidemic processes in complex networks
R Pastor-Satorras, C Castellano, P Van Mieghem, A Vespignani
Reviews of modern physics 87 (3), 925-979, 2015
Virus spread in networks
P Van Mieghem, J Omic, R Kooij
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 17 (1), 1-14, 2008
Graph spectra for complex networks
P Van Mieghem
Cambridge university press, 2023
An overview of constraint-based path selection algorithms for QoS routing
F Kuipers, P Van Mieghem, T Korkmaz, M Krunz
IEEE Communications Magazine 40 (12), 50-55, 2002
The trees and the forest: characterization of complex brain networks with minimum spanning trees
CJ Stam, P Tewarie, E Van Dellen, ECW Van Straaten, A Hillebrand, ...
International journal of psychophysiology 92 (3), 129-138, 2014
Effective graph resistance
W Ellens, FM Spieksma, P Van Mieghem, A Jamakovic, RE Kooij
Linear algebra and its applications 435 (10), 2491-2506, 2011
Analysis of end-to-end delay measurements in Internet
CJ Bovy, HT Mertodimedjo, G Hooghiemstra, H Uijterwaal, ...
Proc. of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop-PAM 2002, 2002
The N-intertwined SIS epidemic network model
P Van Mieghem
Computing 93 (2), 147-169, 2011
Assortativity in complex networks
R Noldus, P Van Mieghem
Journal of Complex Networks 3 (4), 507-542, 2015
Generalized epidemic mean-field model for spreading processes over multilayer complex networks
FD Sahneh, C Scoglio, P Van Mieghem
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 (5), 1609-1620, 2013
Performance analysis of communications networks and systems
P Van Mieghem
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Theory of band tails in heavily doped semiconductors
P Van Mieghem
Reviews of modern physics 64 (3), 755, 1992
Hop-by-hop quality of service routing
P Van Mieghem, H De Neve, F Kuipers
Computer Networks 37 (3-4), 407-423, 2001
Concepts of exact QoS routing algorithms
P Van Mieghem, FA Kuipers
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 12 (5), 851-864, 2004
TAMCRA: a tunable accuracy multiple constraints routing algorithm
H De Neve, P Van Mieghem
Computer Communications 23 (7), 667-679, 2000
Effect of the interconnected network structure on the epidemic threshold
H Wang, Q Li, G D’Agostino, S Havlin, HE Stanley, P Van Mieghem
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
Non-Markovian infection spread dramatically alters the susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic threshold in networks
P Van Mieghem, R Van de Bovenkamp
Physical review letters 110 (10), 108701, 2013
Band‐gap narrowing in highly doped n‐ and p‐type GaAs studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy
G Borghs, K Bhattacharyya, K Deneffe, P Van Mieghem, R Mertens
Journal of applied physics 66 (9), 4381-4386, 1989
Connectivity in wireless ad-hoc networks with a log-normal radio model
R Hekmat, P Van Mieghem
Mobile networks and applications 11, 351-360, 2006
Decreasing the spectral radius of a graph by link removals
P Van Mieghem, D Stevanović, F Kuipers, C Li, R Van De Bovenkamp, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
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