Lily Frank
Lily Frank
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Cited by
Addiction and moralization: The role of the underlying model of addiction
LE Frank, SK Nagel
Neuroethics 10, 129-139, 2017
Robot sex and consent: Is consent to sex between a robot and a human conceivable, possible, and desirable?
L Frank, S Nyholm
Artificial intelligence and law 25, 305-323, 2017
From sex robots to love robots: is mutual love with a robot possible?
S Nyholm, LE Frank
It loves me, it loves me not: is it morally problematic to design sex robots that appear to love their owners?
S Nyholm, LE Frank
Techne: Research in Philosophy & Technology 23 (3), 2019
De Minimis Risk: A Proposal for a New Category of Research Risk
R Rhodes, J Azzouni, SB Baumrin, K Benkov, MJ Blaser, B Brenner, ...
The American Journal of Bioethics 11 (11), 1-7, 2011
Brokerbot: A cryptocurrency chatbot in the social-technical gap of trust
M Lee, L Frank, W IJsselsteijn
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 30 (1), 79-117, 2021
Pistols, pills, pork and ploughs: the structure of technomoral revolutions
JKG Hopster, C Arora, C Blunden, C Eriksen, LE Frank, JS Hermann, ...
Inquiry, 1-33, 2022
A model for the assessment of medical students’ competency in medical ethics
A Favia, L Frank, N Gligorov, S Birnbaum, P Cummins, R Fallar, ...
AJOB Primary research 4 (4), 68-83, 2013
What Do We Have to Lose? Offloading Through Moral Technologies: Moral Struggle and Progress
LE Frank
Science and Engineering Ethics, 2019
Bots mind the social-technical gap
M Lee, LE Frank, F Beute, YAW de Kort, WA IJsselsteijn
15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2017 …, 2017
People may punish, but not blame robots
M Lee, P Ruijten, L Frank, Y de Kort, W IJsselsteijn
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Bridging the Gap between Knowledge and Skill: Integrating Standardized Patients into Bioethics Education
N Gligorov, TM Sommer, ECT Ballato, LE Frank, R Rhodes
Hastings Center Report 45 (5), 25-30, 2015
Person-centered care, autonomy, and the definition of health
L Frank
The American Journal of Bioethics 13 (8), 59-61, 2013
Trust in medicine
PJ Nickel, L Frank
The Routledge handbook of trust and philosophy, 367-377, 2020
Ethical development of artificial amniotic sac and placenta technology: a roadmap
EJ Verweij, L De Proost, JOEH van Laar, L Frank, SA Obermann-Borstn, ...
Frontiers in Pediatrics 9, 793308, 2021
Swiping left on the quantified relationship: Exploring the potential soft impacts
L Frank, M Klincewicz
The American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2), 27-28, 2018
Where is Vincent? Expanding our emotional selves with AI
M Lee, L Frank, Y De Kort, W IJsselsteijn
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 1-11, 2022
Transparency as an ethical safeguard
A Spagnolli, LE Frank, P Haselager, D Kirsh
Symbiotic Interaction: 6th International Workshop, Symbiotic 2017, Eindhoven …, 2018
Ethics of socially disruptive technologies: An introduction
I van de Poel, J Hermann, J Hopster, D Lenzi, S Nyholm, B Taebi, E Ziliotti
Open Book Publishers, 2023
Recent work on moral revolutions
M Klenk, E O’Neill, C Arora, C Blunden, C Eriksen, L Frank, J Hopster
Analysis 82 (2), 354-366, 2022
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Articles 1–20