Jeremy Boy
Jeremy Boy
Data scientist, UNDP Accelerator Labs
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Cited by
A principled way of assessing visualization literacy
J Boy, RA Rensink, E Bertini, JD Fekete
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 1963-1972, 2014
Storytelling in information visualizations: Does it engage users to explore data?
J Boy, F Detienne, JD Fekete
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
The effect of extremist violence on hateful speech online
A Olteanu, C Castillo, J Boy, K Varshney
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 12 (1), 2018
Visualization literacy at elementary school
B Alper, NH Riche, F Chevalier, J Boy, M Sezgin
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Visual narrative flow: Exploring factors shaping data visualization story reading experiences
S McKenna, N Henry Riche, B Lee, J Boy, M Meyer
Computer Graphics Forum 36 (3), 377-387, 2017
Showing people behind data: Does anthropomorphizing visualizations elicit more empathy for human rights data?
J Boy, AV Pandey, J Emerson, M Satterthwaite, O Nov, E Bertini
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Towards understanding human similarity perception in the analysis of large sets of scatter plots
AV Pandey, J Krause, C Felix, J Boy, E Bertini
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
Narrative design patterns for data-driven storytelling
B Bach, M Stefaner, J Boy, S Drucker, L Bartram, J Wood, P Ciuccarelli, ...
Data-driven storytelling, 107-133, 2018
Suggested interactivity: Seeking perceived affordances for information visualization
J Boy, L Eveillard, F Detienne, JD Fekete
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 639-648, 2015
Observations and reflections on visualization literacy in elementary school
F Chevalier, NH Riche, B Alper, C Plaisant, J Boy, N Elmqvist
IEEE computer graphics and applications 38 (3), 21-29, 2018
Data visualization for human rights advocacy
K Rall, ML Satterthwaite, AV Pandey, J Emerson, J Boy, O Nov, E Bertini
Journal of Human Rights Practice 8 (2), 171-197, 2016
Using viskit: A manual for running a constructive visualization workshop
S Huron, S Carpendale, J Boy, JD Fekete
Pedagogy of Data Visualization Workshop at IEEE VIS 2016, 2016
An exploratory study of word-scale graphics in data-rich text documents
P Goffin, J Boy, W Willett, P Isenberg
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (10), 2275-2287, 2016
Using gap charts to visualize the temporal evolution of ranks and scores
C Perin, J Boy, F Vernier
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 36 (5), 38-49, 2016
Towards an understanding of refugee segregation, isolation, homophily and ultimately integration in Turkey using call detail records
J Boy, D Pastor-Escuredo, D Macguire, R Moreno Jimenez, ...
Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The'Data for Refugees …, 2019
Structuring visualization mock-ups at the graphical level by dividing the display space
R Vuillemot, J Boy
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (1), 424-434, 2017
Smarttokens: Embedding motion and grip sensing in small tangible objects
M Le Goc, P Dragicevic, S Huron, J Boy, JD Fekete
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software …, 2015
Towards a smooth design process for static communicative node‐link diagrams
AS Spritzer, J Boy, P Dragicevic, JD Fekete, CM Dal Sasso Freitas
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (3), 461-470, 2015
Livvil: Logging interactive visualizations and visualizing interaction logs
R Vuillemot, J Boy, A Tabard, C Perin, JD Fekete
Workshop IEEE VIS 2016, 33, 2016
A better grasp on pictures under glass: Comparing touch and tangible object manipulation using physical proxies
M Le Goc, P Dragicevic, S Huron, J Boy, JD Fekete
Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2016
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Articles 1–20