Hanno Kruse
Cited by
Cited by
From neighbors to school friends? How adolescents’ place of residence relates to same-ethnic school friendships
H Kruse, S Smith, F Van Tubergen, I Maas
Social Networks 44, 130-142, 2016
More than a sorting machine: Ethnic boundary making in a stratified school system
H Kruse, C Kroneberg
American Journal of Sociology 125 (2), 431-484, 2019
Between-school ability tracking and ethnic segregation in secondary schooling
H Kruse
Social Forces 98 (1), 119-146, 2019
When ethnicity and gender align: Classroom composition, friendship segregation, and collective identities in European schools
C Kroneberg, H Kruse, A Wimmer
European Sociological Review 37 (6), 918-934, 2021
The SES-specific neighbourhood effect on interethnic friendship formation. The case of adolescent immigrants in Germany
H Kruse
European Sociological Review 33 (2), 182-194, 2017
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries. Sociometric Fieldwork Report
H Kruse, K Jacob
Wave 1–2010/2011, v1. 2.0. Mannheim, 2016
Ethnic diversity, homophily, and network cohesion in European classrooms
F Kalter, H Kruse
Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America, 187-207, 2014
Name-Based Measures of Neighborhood Composition: How Telling Are Neighbors' Names
H Kruse, J Dollmann
Survey Research Methods 11 (4), 435-450, 2017
Contextualizing oppositional cultures: The variable significance of gender and ethnic minority status across schools
H Kruse, C Kroneberg
Social Networks 70, 64-76, 2022
‘Sociometric Fieldwork Report Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in 4 European Countries
H Kruse, K Jacob
Wave 1-2010/2011, v1. 1.0. Mannheim, 2014
Learning together or apart? Ethnic segregation in lower secondary schools
H Kruse, F Kalter
Proceedings of the British Academy 215, 114-141, 2018
Close neighbors, separate lives: an investigation of residential barriers and bridges to the social integration of young immigrants in Germany
H Kruse
Children of immigrants longitudinal survey in four European countries. Sociometric fieldwork report. Wave 1 2010/2011, v1. 2.0
H Kruse, J Konstanze
Mannheim, Technical report, Mannheim University, 2016
Who Stays Involved? A Longitudinal Study on Adolescents’ Participation in Voluntary Associations in Germany
K Dederichs, H Kruse
European Sociological Review 39 (1), 30-43, 2023
Neighbourhood effects on acculturation attitudes among minority and majority adolescents in Germany
D Kretschmer, H Kruse
Urban Studies 57 (16), 3363-3380, 2020
Contextualizing oppositional cultures: A multilevel network analysis of status orders in schools
H Kruse, C Kroneberg
ECONtribute Discussion Paper, 2020
Life-Course Differences in Occupational Mobility Between Vocationally and Generally Trained Workers in Germany
V Decker, T Bol, H Kruse
Sociological Science 10, 857-879, 2023
Wo und wie Grenzen ziehen? Soziale Kategorisierung in der quantitativen Stadtsoziologie
H Kruse, J Teltemann
Differenz im Raum: Sozialstruktur und Grenzziehung in deutschen Städten, 3-24, 2022
Policy Brief No. 018
C Kroneberg, H Kruse, A Wimmer
Collecting network panel data in schools: Practical guidance based on the experiences of three German research projects
L Leszczensky, H Beier, H Kruse, S Pink
Arbeitspapiere/Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung= Working …, 2016
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Articles 1–20