Sina Blassnig
Sina Blassnig
Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Zürich
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Extreme parties and populism: an analysis of Facebook and Twitter across six countries
N Ernst, S Engesser, F Büchel, S Blassnig, F Esser
Information, communication & society 20 (9), 1347-1364, 2017
Populists prefer social media over talk shows: An analysis of populist messages and stylistic elements across six countries
N Ernst, S Blassnig, S Engesser, F Büchel, F Esser
Social media+ society 5 (1), 2056305118823358, 2019
Favorable opportunity structures for populist communication: Comparing different types of politicians and issues in social media, television and the press
N Ernst, F Esser, S Blassnig, S Engesser
The International Journal of Press/Politics 24 (2), 165-188, 2019
Media systems in the digital age: An empirical comparison of 30 countries
E Humprecht, L Castro Herrero, S Blassnig, M Brüggemann, S Engesser
Journal of Communication 72 (2), 145-164, 2022
Populism and informal fallacies: An analysis of right-wing populist rhetoric in election campaigns
S Blassnig, F Büchel, N Ernst, S Engesser
Argumentation 33, 107-136, 2019
Populism and social media popularity: how populist communication benefits political leaders on Facebook and Twitter
S Blassnig, N Ernst, S Engesser, F Esser
Power Shift? Political Leadership and Social Media: Case Studies in …, 2020
Populism in online election coverage: Analyzing populist statements by politicians, journalists, and readers in three countries
S Blassnig, N Ernst, F Büchel, S Engesser, F Esser
Journalism Studies 20 (8), 1110-1129, 2019
Populist and popular: An experiment on the drivers of user reactions to populist posts on Facebook
S Blassnig, DS Wirz
Social Media+ Society 5 (4), 2056305119890062, 2019
The “audience logic” in digital journalism: an exploration of shifting news logics across media types and time
S Blassnig, F Esser
Journalism Studies 23 (1), 48-69, 2022
Hitting a nerve: Populist news articles lead to more frequent and more populist reader comments
S Blassnig, S Engesser, N Ernst, F Esser
Political Communication 36 (4), 629-651, 2019
News recommender systems: A programmatic research review
E Mitova, S Blassnig, E Strikovic, A Urman, A Hannak, CH de Vreese, ...
Annals of the International Communication Association 47 (1), 84-113, 2023
Dimensions, Speakers, and Targets: Basic Patterns in European Media Reporting on Populism
S Blassnig, P Rodi, K Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K Adamczewska, ...
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and …, 2019
Popularity on Facebook during election campaigns: An analysis of issues and emotions in parties’ online communication
S Blassnig, L Udris, A Staender, D Vogler
International Journal of Communication 15, 21, 2021
Googling referendum campaigns: analyzing online search patterns regarding swiss direct-democratic votes
S Blassnig, E Mitova, N Pfiffner, MV Reiss
Media and Communication 11 (1), 19-30, 2023
Populist communication in talk shows and social media: A comparative content analysis in four countries
S Blassnig, N Ernst, F Büchel, S Engesser
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 7 (3), 338-363, 2018
Content analysis in the research field of political communication: The self-presentation of political actors
S Blassnig
Standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft …, 2022
A Two-Year Comparison of Populism in European Media Coverage
F Esser, A Stępińska, O Pekacek, A Seddone, S Papathanassopoulos, ...
A Balancing Act: How Media Professionals Perceive the Implementation of News Recommender Systems
S Blassnig, E Strikovic, E Mitova, A Urman, A Hannák, C de Vreese, ...
Digital Journalism, 1-23, 2023
Populist online communication–interactions among politicians, journalists, and citizens
S Blassnig
University of Zurich, 2020
Selecting, avoiding, disconnecting: a focus group study of people’s strategies for dealing with information abundance in the contexts of news, entertainment, and personal …
SC Volk, A Schulz, S Blassnig, S Marschlich, MH Nguyen, N Strauß
Information, Communication & Society, 1-20, 2024
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