Erla Sturludóttir
Erla Sturludóttir
Agricultural University of Iceland
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Cited by
Benefits of mixing grasses and legumes for herbage yield and nutritive value in N orthern E urope and C anada
E Sturludóttir, C Brophy, G Bélanger, AM Gustavsson, M Jřrgensen, ...
Grass and forage science 69 (2), 229-240, 2014
Exploring Lake Victoria ecosystem functioning using the Atlantis modeling framework
C Nyamweya, E Sturludottir, T Tomasson, EA Fulton, A Taabu-Munyaho, ...
Environmental modelling & software 86, 158-167, 2016
Detection of a changepoint, a mean-shift accompanied with a trend change, in short time-series with autocorrelation
E Sturludottir, H Gunnlaugsdottir, OK Nielsen, G Stefansson
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (7), 5808-5818, 2017
End-to-end model of Icelandic waters using the Atlantis framework: exploring system dynamics and model reliability
E Sturludottir, C Desjardins, B Elvarsson, EA Fulton, R Gorton, ...
Fisheries Research 207, 9-24, 2018
Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in mussel sampled around the Icelandic coastline
E Sturludottir, H Gunnlaugsdottir, HO Jorundsdottir, EV Magnusdottir, ...
Science of the total environment 454, 500-509, 2013
Comparing the steady state results of a range of multispecies models between and across geographical areas by the use of the jacobian matrix of yield on fishing mortality rate
JG Pope, V Bartolino, N Kulatska, B Bauer, J Horbowy, JPC Ribeiro, ...
Fisheries Research 209, 259-270, 2019
Prediction of Lake Victoria's response to varied fishing regimes using the Atlantis ecosystem model
CS Nyamweya, E Sturludottir, T Tomasson, A Taabu-Munyaho, M Njiru, ...
Fisheries research 194, 76-83, 2017
Forage quality and yield in grass-legume mixtures in Northern Europe and Canada
E Sturludóttir
Ecosystem modelling of data-limited fisheries: How reliable are Ecopath with Ecosim models without historical time series fitting?
V Natugonza, C Ainsworth, E Sturludóttir, L Musinguzi, R Ogutu-Ohwayo, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 46 (2), 414-428, 2020
Evaluation of ptarmigan management with a population reconstruction model
E Sturludottir, OK Nielsen, G Stefansson
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (5), 958-965, 2018
Ecosystem models of Lake Victoria (East Africa): can Ecopath with Ecosim and Atlantis predict similar policy outcomes?
V Natugonza, C Ainsworth, E Sturludóttir, L Musinguzi, R Ogutu-Ohwayo, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 45 (6), 1260-1273, 2019
Exploring the effects of discarding using the Atlantis ecosystem model for Icelandic waters
E Sturludottir
Departmento de Publicaciones del CSIC, 2018
Temporal trends of contaminants in cod from Icelandic waters
E Sturludottir, H Gunnlaugsdottir, HO Jorundsdottir, EV Magnusdottir, ...
Science of the Total Environment 476, 181-188, 2014
Spatiotemporal variation in fishing patterns and fishing pressure in Lake Victoria (East Africa) in relation to balanced harvest
V Natugonza, C Nyamweya, E Sturludóttir, L Musinguzi, R Ogutu-Ohwayo, ...
Fisheries Research 252, 106355, 2022
Fćđuöryggi á Íslandi
E Sturludóttir, G Ţorvaldsson, G Helgadóttir, I Guđnason, ... …, 2021
Risk assessment for key socio-economic and ecological species in a sub-Arctic marine ecosystem under combined ocean acidification and warming
M Oostdijk, E Sturludóttir, MJ Santos
Ecosystems 25 (5), 1117-1134, 2022
Simulating trade-offs between socio-economic and conservation objectives for Lake Victoria (East Africa) using multispecies, multifleet ecosystem models
V Natugonza, C Ainsworth, E Sturludóttir, L Musinguzi, R Ogutu-Ohwayo, ...
Fisheries Research 229, 105593, 2020
Statistical analysis of trends in data from ecological monitoring
E Sturludóttir
Ólafur Ingi Sigurgeirsson og Ţóroddur Sveinsson.(2021)
E Sturludóttir, G Ţorvaldsson, G Helgadóttir, I Guđnason, ...
Fćđuöryggi á Íslandi (Food security in Iceland). Ritstjórar: Erla …, 0
Modelling of recreational trails in mountainous areas: An analysis of sensitivity to slope data resolution
E Pagneux, E Sturludóttir, R Ólafsdóttir
Applied Geography 160, 103112, 2023
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Articles 1–20