Sandra Soares-Frazao
Sandra Soares-Frazao
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Experimental study of dam-break flow against an isolated obstacle
S Soares-Frazão, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Research 45 (sup1), 27-36, 2007
Earthen embankment breaching
ASCE/EWRI Task Committee on Dam/Levee Breaching
Journal of hydraulic engineering 137 (12), 1549-1564, 2011
Flash flood flow experiment in a simplified urban district
G Testa, D Zuccala, F Alcrudo, J Mulet, S Soares-Frazão
Journal of Hydraulic Research 45 (sup1), 37-44, 2007
Dam-break flow through an idealised city
S Soares-Frazão, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Research 46 (5), 648-658, 2008
Two-dimensional shallow-water model with porosity for urban flood modelling
S Soares-Frazão, J Lhomme, V Guinot, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Research 46 (1), 45-64, 2008
Flux and source term discretization in two‐dimensional shallow water models with porosity on unstructured grids
V Guinot, S Soares‐Frazão
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 50 (3), 309-345, 2006
Dam-break flows over mobile beds: experiments and benchmark tests for numerical models
S Soares-Frazao, R Canelas, Z Cao, L Cea, HM Chaudhry, A Die Moran, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Research 50 (4), 364-375, 2012
Experiments of dam-break wave over a triangular bottom sill
S Soares-Frazão
Journal of Hydraulic Research 45 (sup1), 19-26, 2007
Undular bores and secondary waves-Experiments and hybrid finite-volume modelling
S Soares Frazao, Y Zech
Journal of hydraulic research 40 (1), 33-43, 2002
Dam-break induced sediment movement: Experimental approaches and numerical modelling
Y Zech, S Soares-Frazão, B Spinewine, N Le Grelle
Journal of Hydraulic research 46 (2), 176-190, 2008
HLLC scheme with novel wave‐speed estimators appropriate for two‐dimensional shallow‐water flow on erodible bed
S Soares‐Frazão, Y Zech
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 66 (8), 1019-1036, 2011
Dam break in channels with 90 degrees bend
S Soares Frazao, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (New York) 128 (11), 956, 2002
Velocity-field measurements in a dam-break flow using a PTV Voronoï imaging technique
R Aleixo, S Soares-Frazão, Y Zech
Experiments in fluids 50, 1633-1649, 2011
Dam-break flow on mobile bed in abruptly widening channel: experimental data
L Goutiere, S Soares-Frazão, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Research 49 (3), 367-371, 2011
An adaptive discretization of shallow‐water equations based on discontinuous Galerkin methods
JF Remacle, SS Frazao, X Li, MS Shephard
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 52 (8), 903-923, 2006
Dam break in channels with 90 bend
SS Frazao, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 128 (11), 956-968, 2002
Dam-break induced morphological changes in a channel with uniform sediments: measurements by a laser-sheet imaging technique
S Soares-Frazão, N Le Grelle, B Spinewine, Y Zech
Journal of hydraulic Research 45 (sup1), 87–95-87–95, 2007
One-dimensional model for transient flows involving bed-load sediment transport and changes in flow regimes
L Goutière, S Soares-Frazão, C Savary, T Laraichi, Y Zech
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 134 (6), 726-735, 2008
Experimental investigation of reservoir geometry effect on dam-break flow
A Feizi Khankandi, A Tahershamsi, S Soares-Frazão
Journal of Hydraulic Research 50 (4), 376-387, 2012
Two‐dimensional two‐layer shallow water model for dam break flows with significant bed load transport
C Swartenbroekx, Y Zech, S Soares‐Frazão
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 73 (5), 477-508, 2013
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Articles 1–20