Jessica Kay Flake
Jessica Kay Flake
Assistant Professor, Quantitative Psychology and Modelling, McGill University
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Cited by
Measurement Schmeasurement: Questionable Measurement Practices and How to Avoid Them
JK Flake, EI Fried
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2020
Construct validation in social and personality research: Current practice and recommendations
JK Flake, J Pek, E Hehman, JK Flake
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2017
Measuring Cost: The Forgotten Component of Expectancy-Value Theory
JK Flake, K Barron, C Hulleman, B McCoach, M Welsh
Contemporary Educational Psychology 41, 232-244, 2015
The psychological science accelerator: Advancing psychology through a distributed collaborative network
H Moshontz, L Campbell, CR Ebersole, H IJzerman, HL Urry, PS Forscher, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 501-515, 2018
The purpose and practice of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in psychological research: Decisions for scale development and validation.
DB Flora, JK Flake
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2017
Preregistration Is Hard, And Worthwhile
BA Nosek, ED Beck, L Campbell, JK Flake, TE Hardwicke, DT Mellor, ...
Trends in cognitive sciences 23 (10), 815-818, 2019
Disproportionate use of lethal force in policing is associated with regional racial biases of residents
E Hehman, JK Flake, J Calanchini
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2017
The Unique Contributions of Perceiver and Target Characteristics in Person Perception.
E Hehman, CAM Sutherland, JK Flake, ML Slepian
The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2017
Revisiting the theoretical and methodological foundations of depression measurement
EI Fried, JK Flake, DJ Robinaugh
Nature Reviews Psychology 1 (6), 358-368, 2022
To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply?(Registered Report Stage 1)
B Jones, L DeBruine, J Flake, B Aczel, M Adamkovic, R Alaei, S Alper, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 159-169, 2021
Establishing construct validity evidence for regional measures of explicit and implicit racial bias.
E Hehman, J Calanchini, JK Flake, JB Leitner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (6), 1022, 2019
Short-term motivation trajectories: A parallel process model of expectancy-value
JJ Kosovich, JK Flake, CS Hulleman
Contemporary Educational Psychology 49, 130-139, 2017
Construct validity and the validity of replication studies, a systematic review
JK Flake, IJ Davidson, O Wong, J Pek
American Psychologist, 2022
Static and Dynamic Facial Cues Differentially Affect the Consistency of Social Evaluations
E Hehman, JK Flake, JB Freeman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2015
Perceiver and Target Characteristics Contribute to Impression Formation Differently Across Race and Gender
SY Xie, JK Flake, E Hehman
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019
Measurement Invariance Testing Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Alignment Optimization: A Tutorial for Transparent Analysis Planning and Reporting
R Luong, JK Flake
Psychological Methods, 2021
Measurement matters
EI Fried, JK Flake
APS Observer 31, 2018
Toward a comprehensive model of face impressions: What we know, what we do not, and paths forward
E Hehman, RM Stolier, JB Freeman, JK Flake, SY Xie
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 13 (2), e12431, 2019
An investigation of the alignment method with polytomous indicators under conditions of partial measurement invariance
JK Flake, BD McCoach
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 25 (1), 56-70, 2018
Comparing the effects of different methodological decisions on the error-related negativity and its association with behaviour and gender
A Sandre, I Banica, A Riesel, J Flake, J Klawohn, A Weinberg
International Journal of Psychophysiology 156, 18-39, 2020
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Articles 1–20