George Houghton
Cited by
Cited by
A model of inhibitory mechanisms in selective attention
G Houghton, SP Tipper
Inhibitory Processes of Attention, Memory and Language., 53-112, 1984
Two routes or one in reading aloud? A connectionist dual-process model.
M Zorzi, G Houghton, B Butterworth
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 24 (4 …, 1998
The problem of serial order: A neural network model of sequence learning and recall
G Houghton
Current research in natural language generation, 287-319, 1990
Inhibitory mechanisms of neural and cognitive control: Applications to selective attention and sequential action
G Houghton, SP Tipper
Brain and Cognition 30 (1), 20-43, 1996
Normal and impaired spelling in a connectionist dual-route architecture
G Houghton, M Zorzi
Cognitive neuropsychology 20 (2), 115-162, 2003
A linguistically constrained model of short-term memory for nonwords
T Hartley, G Houghton
Journal of memory and language 35 (1), 1-31, 1996
Action–based mechanisms of attention
SP Tipper, LA Howard, G Houghton
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1998
Behavioural goals determine inhibitory mechanisms of selective attention
SP Tipper, B Weaver, G Houghton
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (4), 809-840, 1994
Inhibition and interference in selective attention: Some tests of a neural network model
G Houghton, SP Tipper, B Weaver, DI Shore
Visual cognition 3 (2), 119-164, 1996
Parallel models of serial behavior: Lashley revisited
G Houghton, T Hartley
Psyche 2 (25), 1-25, 1995
10 Behavioral Consequences of Selection from Neural Population Codes
SP Tipper, LA Howard, G Houghton
Control of cognitive processes: Attention and performance XVIII 18, 223, 2000
Attending, ignoring, and repetition: On the relation between negative priming and inhibition of return
B Milliken, SP Tipper, G Houghton, J Lupiáñez
Perception & psychophysics 62 (6), 1280-1296, 2000
Spelling and serial recall: Insights from a competitive queueing model
G Houghton, DW Glasspool, T Shallice
Handbook of spelling: Theory, process, and intervention, 1994
Task switching and cognitive control
J Grange, G Houghton
Oxford University Press, USA, 2014
ERP analyses of task effects on semantic processing from words
P Marí-Beffa, B Valdés, DJD Cullen, A Catena, G Houghton
Cognitive Brain Research 23 (2-3), 293-305, 2005
Serial order and consonant–vowel structure in a graphemic output buffer model
DW Glasspool, G Houghton
Brain and language 94 (3), 304-330, 2005
The development of spelling-sound relationships in a model of phonological reading
M Zorzi, G Houghton, B Butterworth
Language and Cognitive Processes 13 (2-3), 337-371, 1998
Sensorimotor selection and the basal ganglia: A neural network model
S Jackson, G Houghton
Why to speak, what to say and how to say it: Modelling language production in discourse.
G Houghton, S Isard
John Wiley & Sons, 1987
Can neuropsychological evidence inform connectionist modelling? Analyses of spelling
T Shallice, DW Glasspool, G Houghton
Language and Cognitive Processes 10 (3-4), 195-225, 1995
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Articles 1–20