Anders Larsson
Cited by
Cited by
The development and regional significance of the automotive industry: supplier parks in Western Europe
A Larsson
International journal of urban and regional research 26 (4), 767-784, 2002
Understanding sustainable accessibility in urban planning: Themes of consensus, themes of tension
AG Solá, B Vilhelmson, A Larsson
Journal of Transport Geography 70, 1-10, 2018
Strengths and weaknesses of accessibility instruments in planning practice: Technological rules based on experiential workshops
M te Brömmelstroet, C Curtis, A Larsson, D Milakis
European Planning Studies 24 (6), 1175-1196, 2016
Bridging the knowledge-gap between the old and the new: Regional marine experience production in Orust, Västra Götaland, Sweden
A Larsson, KN Lindström
European Planning Studies 22 (8), 1551-1568, 2014
Proximity changes to what and for whom? Investigating sustainable accessibility change in the Gothenburg city region 1990–2014
E Elldér, A Larsson, AG Solá, B Vilhelmson
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 12 (4), 271-285, 2018
Learning benefits of using 2D versus 3D maps: Evidence from a randomized controlled experiment
T Niedomysl, E Elldér, A Larsson, M Thelin, B Jansund
Journal of Geography 112 (3), 87-96, 2013
Exploring the potential for sustainable accessibility across settlement types. A Swedish case
A Larsson, E Elldér, E Vafeiadis, C Curtis, A Steiner
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 107, 103297, 2022
Outsourcing and location
S Gullander, A Larsson
New Tracks on Sweedish Economic Reasearch in Europe. Mölle, Sweeden May, 23-26, 2000
Proximity Matters? Geographical aspects of changing strategies in automotive subcontracting relationships: the case of domestic suppliers to Volvo Troslanda assembly plant.
A Larsson
rapport nr.: Meddelanden från Göteborgs universitets geografiska …, 1999
Featured graphic. Spatial inequality and workplace accessibility: the case of a major hospital in Göteborg, Sweden
E Erik, AG Solá, A Larsson
Environment and Planning A 44 (10), 2295-2297, 2012
The Effects of Globalisation and Modularisation: The changing geographical structure of the domestic supplier-system of Volvo Automotive in Sweden
A Larsson
GERPISA: 8th International Colloquium Proceedings, Paris, 2000
Accessibility atlas to analyse regional accessibility to labour in the food sector
A Larsson, E Elldér, B Vilhelmson
Transport 31 (45), 46-60, 2014
Learning or Logistics? The development and regional significance of European automotive supplier parks
A Larsson
CoCKEAS Workshop Barcelona, 2001
Integrating land use and transport: understanding the dynamics of proximity
A Larsson
Handbook of Sustainable Transport, 289-297, 2020
Underleverantörssystem i förändring: geografiska aspekter på" just-in-time" tillverkning
A Larsson
Univ., Department of Human and Economic Geography, 1993
A Firm Case Study Methodology: Approaches to Measure Knowledge Flows in Firms and their Environment.
A Larsson, R Dieter, W Brigitta
Göteborg University-School of Economics and Commercial Law/Department of …, 2006
Bebyggelse och infrastruktur.
Å Forsström, S Lorentzon, A Larsson
Göteborg University-School of Economics and Commercial Law/Department of …, 2003
Kartografiska Sällskapets utbildningssektion: ett nytt tillskott i KS-familjen
SA Brandt, A Larsson
Kart-& bildteknik 21 (2), 10-11, 2006
Usability of Accessibility Instruments in Regional Planning: The Case of Labour Markets Markets and Daily Commuting in the Food Sector in Västra Götaland, Sweden
A Larsson, E Elldér, B Vilhelmson
Designing Accessibility Instruments. Lessons on Their Usability for …, 2019
Territorial knowledge dynamics and knowledge anchoring through localized networks: the automotive sector in Västra Götaland
L James, G Vissers, A Larsson, M Dahlström
Regional Studies, 2015
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Articles 1–20